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To provide a bedsore preventing sheet capable of simply preventing a bedsore caused by blood circulation disorder without oppressing a capillary vessel and clothes equipped therewith. - 特許庁
a condition marked by infertility, enlarged ovaries, menstrual problems, high levels of male hormones, excess hair on the face and body, acne, and obesity. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
These compounds or the compositions containing them are more particularly intended to treat androgen-dependent disorders such as seborrhoea and/or acne and/or hirsutism and/or androgenic alopecia. - 特許庁
His translated works included "Waran-ryu (Komo-ryu) Koyaku-ho" (Dutch [Western] Salve Prescription), "Seikotsu Yoketsu" (Summary of Osteopathy), "Plenck Baiso-hen" (Plenck's Book on Syphilis), and "Ineki Happi" (Excretory Mechanism) (published after the death of Yoshio but based on his oral statements and later retranslated and published by Ransai EMA under the name of the "Goeki Shinpo"). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an air cell for preventing a decubitus and an air mat device using it by which a deviation force inside of a skin tissue in contact with beddings can be suppressed and clogging of a capillary vessel can be saved. - 特許庁
Compounds having the structure, or their salts, are used to treat or reduce the likelihood of acquiring androgen-dependent diseases, such as prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acne, hirsutism, seborrhea, androgenic alopecia and male baldness. - 特許庁
As skin symptoms, psoriasis, UV injury, atopic dermatitis, skin T cell lymphoma such as mycetogenic polyp and the like, allergic and stimulative contact dermatosis, lichen, alopetia areata, polyderma necrosis, leukoplakia, ocular scarred small pox and urticaria are included. - 特許庁
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