
「piece of」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(9ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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piece ofの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 30232


the sleeve of a piece of large armour worn in medieval Japan, called an 'Ohsode' 例文帳に追加

大袖という,大鎧の袖 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the action of substituting a piece of land for another 例文帳に追加

土地を交換すること - EDR日英対訳辞書

the action of rewriting a piece of work 例文帳に追加

作品を,新たに書くこと - EDR日英対訳辞書

to leave a part of a piece of written work unwritten 例文帳に追加

(書くべき事柄を)書かずに残す - EDR日英対訳辞書


the beginning line or phrase of a piece of writing 例文帳に追加

文章の書き出しの文句 - EDR日英対訳辞書


the length of a piece of clothing that is equal to one's height 例文帳に追加

身長に合う衣服の長さ - EDR日英対訳辞書

the act of leaving a piece of land temporarily idle 例文帳に追加

一時耕作を休むこと - EDR日英対訳辞書

a piece of written matter that has been written by a member of the nobility 例文帳に追加

貴人が自ら書いたもの - EDR日英対訳辞書

of a piece of paper, being blank 例文帳に追加

何も書かれていないさま - EDR日英対訳辞書


the beginning part of one's composition or piece of writing 例文帳に追加

文章の書き始めの部分 - EDR日英対訳辞書


the final part of a piece of writing 例文帳に追加

文章の終わりの部分 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the rhythm of a haiku or a piece of writing 例文帳に追加

俳句や文章の句の拍子 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a piece of work that is made purely out of coincidence 例文帳に追加

偶然にできた作品 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the cut end of a piece of wood 例文帳に追加

木材を横に切った切り口 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a cushion attached to the back of a piece of clothing for comfort in sitting 例文帳に追加

(楽に座るための)腰当て - EDR日英対訳辞書

a clog made of one piece of wood 例文帳に追加

一つの材木から作った下駄 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a word used to measure the size of a piece of canvas 例文帳に追加

画布の大きさを数える語 - EDR日英対訳辞書

(of a piece in the Japanese game of go) to be captured 例文帳に追加

囲碁で,自分の石を取られる - EDR日英対訳辞書

the blank reverse side of a piece of paper with writing on it 例文帳に追加

何かが書かれた紙の裏 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the significance of a piece of evidence 例文帳に追加

証拠として用いられ得る資格 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the significance of a piece of evidence 例文帳に追加

証拠方法としての価値 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the list of entries pertaining to a piece of writing, called bibliography 例文帳に追加

書物に関する記載 - EDR日英対訳辞書

an actual piece of work, product, or work of art 例文帳に追加

実際に作り上げられた作品 - EDR日英対訳辞書

an opening in the back of a piece of clothing 例文帳に追加

衣服の背中にあける明き - EDR日英対訳辞書

a piece of handiwork decorated with carvings of monkeys 例文帳に追加

数多くの猿を彫った細工物 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the whole of a particular passage in a piece of writing 例文帳に追加

ある文章の全体 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a piece of plywood on the side of a building 例文帳に追加

建物の側面の板 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the contents of a piece of lyrical prose 例文帳に追加

話などに含まれている内容 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a piece of wood that joins a series of posts by passing through each 例文帳に追加

柱と柱を横に貫く材 - EDR日英対訳辞書

of a piece of cloth, the part that is patched on 例文帳に追加

裁縫で,接いだ部分 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a thin piece of fabric for tying around the brim of a hat 例文帳に追加

帽子のつばぎわを巻く細布 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the size of a piece of paper 例文帳に追加

紙の大きさを表す語 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the pressure of a writing brush a piece of paper 例文帳に追加

文字を書く時の筆圧 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the act of composing a piece of prose or verse 例文帳に追加

詩歌や文章を作ること - EDR日英対訳辞書

the title of a written piece of work 例文帳に追加

文章を作るときの題 - EDR日英対訳辞書

an object used to protect a fray of a piece of fabric 例文帳に追加

解れを防止するもの - EDR日英対訳辞書

this piece of music which is the topic of discussion 例文帳に追加

話題にしているこの曲 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the action of dyeing an entire piece of clothing at one time 例文帳に追加

衣服などを丸ごと染めること - EDR日英対訳辞書

the condition of a piece of art work being untitled 例文帳に追加

作品に題がないこと - EDR日英対訳辞書

a musical notation that indicates the end of a piece of music 例文帳に追加

終止線という音楽記号 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a music piece of the ancient court music of Japan, called {'Kalavinka'} 例文帳に追加

迦陵頻という,雅楽の曲 - EDR日英対訳辞書

an act of manually making a piece of craftwork 例文帳に追加

手仕事で工芸品を作ること - EDR日英対訳辞書

to attach a piece of cloth on the reverse side of a kimono 例文帳に追加

着物の裏に張り帛をつける - EDR日英対訳辞書

the right of a manorial farmer to cultivate a piece of land 例文帳に追加

荘園農民の土地耕作権 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a narrow piece of wood used to connect other, larger pieces of wood together 例文帳に追加

継ぎ目に打ちつける板 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the printing surface of a plate or piece of type 例文帳に追加

印刷で,活字が紙に触れる面 - EDR日英対訳辞書

to move a piece of tissue from one part of the body to another 例文帳に追加

体の組織を移植する - EDR日英対訳辞書

a piece of cloth that covers the inner surface of a garment 例文帳に追加

衣服の裏に用いる布地 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a division of a piece of music, called phrase 例文帳に追加

楽句という,楽曲の区切り - EDR日英対訳辞書


a piece of land covered with trees grown as a supply of building wood 例文帳に追加

材木用の木を植えた山 - EDR日英対訳辞書


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