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英訳・英語 Bit number
該当件数 : 170件
このプロセスの間、ハードディスクを読み込むために使用された BIOS インタフェース (INT13H、Subfunction 2) は、 シリンダ番号へ 10 ビット、ヘッド番号へ 8 ビット、 セクタ番号へ 6ビット割り当てます。例文帳に追加
The BIOS interface used to read the hard disk during this period (INT 13H, Subfunction 2) allocates 10 bits to the Cylinder Number, 8 bits to the Head Number, and 6 bits to the Sector Number.発音を聞く - FreeBSD
Then OR between the bit string of the record number and the bit string of the bit-shifted site number is found out. - 特許庁
In a 1st step 11, four bits as an element of a 16×16 matrix table specified with a row number which is the high-order four bits of an 8-bit input bit array and a column number which is the low-order four bits are outputted. - 特許庁
It decodes the destination selection number for distribution output to a selection number bit map of the N bits. - 特許庁
In a 2nd step 12, four bits as an element of the 16×16 matrix table specified with a row number which is odd-numbered four bits counted from the most significant digit bit of the 8-bit input bit array and a column number which is even-numbered four bits counted from the most significant digit bit are outputted. - 特許庁
カーネル 2.6 では、低位側 8 ビットよりも上位にあるビット群がこの 5 ビットに連結 (concatenate)され、テーブ番号となる。例文帳に追加
In the 2.6 kernel, the bits above the eight lowermost bits are concatenated to the five lowermost bits to form the tape number.発音を聞く - JM
The region of 3 bytes is prepared for a module number in a data component, the region of 6 bytes for a block number in a module, and the region of 5 bytes for an address of the TS packet in the section. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 170件
The receiver switches a bit number of the selection key and performs the reception bit collation again. - 特許庁
Further, an eight-bit table number is added behind the attribute flag. - 特許庁
To provide testing real page number bits in a cache directory. - 特許庁
An optimum encoding mode number/division bit depth/lower layer encoding mode number encoding unit 77 encodes an encoding mode number if the bit depth conversion processing is not performed, and encodes the encoding mode number and an optimum division bit depth Δ if the bit depth conversion processing is performed. - 特許庁
Each bit of the bit string is assigned to one thread, and the number and value of each bit show the number of the thread concerned and whether the thread is in an executable state or not. - 特許庁
To shift bit numbers of digital signals in a random order by a switching circuit. - 特許庁
The reorder bit map 315 has bits corresponding to a sequence number, and the bit corresponding to the sequence number of the segment completing the switching is set in "1". - 特許庁
A data transmission packet includes a starting bit, a packet identification number, the communication end point, data length, payload data, a packet state number, a data status and an end bit. - 特許庁
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