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Weblio例文辞書での「contract enforcement」に類似した例文

contract enforcement


「contract enforcement」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 61


(3) The provision of Article 6 shall not apply to an application for a sales contract that was received by a seller prior to the enforcement of this Act or, where the sales contract pertaining to such application is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, such sales contract, or a sales contract concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第六条の規定は、この法律の施行前に販売業者が受けた売買契約の申込み若しくはその申込みに係る売買契約がこの法律の施行後に締結された場合におけるその売買契約又はこの法律の施行前に締結された売買契約については、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) With regard to a merger pertaining to a merger contract concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable even after the enforcement of this Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 この法律の施行前に締結された合併契約に係る合併に関しては、この法律の施行後も、なお従前の例による。 - 経済産業省

Date of enforcement: 1st Oct 2012 (enforcement date of the deemed offer of an employment contract : 1st Oct.2015)例文帳に追加

施行期日:平成24年10月1日(労働契約申込みみなし制度の施行日は、法の施行から3年経過後(平成27年10月1日)) - 厚生労働省

The enforcement date of the deemed offer of an employment contract is October 1, 2015, 3 years after the date of the enforcement of the Revised Act.例文帳に追加

ただし、労働契約申込みみなし制度の施行日については、法の施行から3年経過後(平成27年10月1日) - 厚生労働省

(2) The provisions of Article 9-7 and Article 9-13 of the New Act shall not apply to a sales contract or a Service Contract that was concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act or, where the sales contract or the Service Contract pertaining to an application that a seller or a Service Provider that was received prior to the enforcement of this Act is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, such sales contract or Service Contract.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 新法第九条の七及び第九条の十三の規定は、この法律の施行前に締結された売買契約若しくは役務提供契約又はこの法律の施行前に販売業者若しくは役務提供事業者が受けた申込みに係る売買契約若しくは役務提供契約がこの法律の施行後に締結された場合におけるその売買契約若しくは役務提供契約については、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The enforcement date of the deemed offer of an employment contract was put off until "after three years from the date on which the amended Act comes into force".例文帳に追加

労働契約申込みみなし制度の施行日を「法の施行から3年経過後」に延期。 - 厚生労働省


(2) The provisions of Article 9 and Article 24 of the New Specified Commercial Transaction Act shall apply to an application for a sales contract or a Service Contract that a seller or a Service Provider receives after the enforcement of this Act and a sales contract or a Service Contract that is concluded after the enforcement of this Act (excluding such contract for which application was received prior to the enforcement of this Act), but with regard to an application for a sales contract or a Service Contract that a seller or a Service Provider received prior to the enforcement of this Act or, where a sales contract or a Service Contract pertaining to such application is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, such sales contract or Service Contract, or a sales contract or a Service Contract that was concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 新特定商取引法第九条及び第二十四条の規定は、この法律の施行後に販売業者若しくは役務提供事業者が受けた売買契約若しくは役務提供契約の申込み又はこの法律の施行後に締結された売買契約若しくは役務提供契約(この法律の施行前にその申込みを受けたものを除く。)について適用し、この法律の施行前に販売業者若しくは役務提供事業者が受けた売買契約若しくは役務提供契約の申込み若しくはその申込みに係る売買契約若しくは役務提供契約がこの法律の施行後に締結された場合におけるその売買契約若しくは役務提供契約又はこの法律の施行前に締結された売買契約若しくは役務提供契約については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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「contract enforcement」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 61


(5) The provision of Article 7 (2) of the New Act shall not apply to a sales contract or a Service Contract that was concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 新法第七条第二項の規定は、この法律の施行前に締結された売買契約又は役務提供契約については、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The provision of Article 6 of the New Act shall apply to an application for a sales contract or a Service Contract that a seller or a Service Provider receives after the enforcement of this Act or a sales contract or a Service Contract that is concluded after the enforcement of this Act (excluding such contract for which application was received prior to the enforcement of this Act), but with regard to an application for a sales contract on Specified Designated Goods that a seller received prior to the enforcement of this Act or, where the sales contract pertaining to such an application is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, such sales contract, or a sales contract on Specified Designated Goods that was concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions before the enforcement of this Act shall remain applicable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 新法第六条の規定は、この法律の施行後に販売業者若しくは役務提供事業者が受けた売買契約若しくは役務提供契約の申込み又はこの法律の施行後に締結された売買契約若しくは役務提供契約(この法律の施行前にその申込みを受けたものを除く。)について適用し、この法律の施行前に販売業者が受けた特定指定商品の売買契約の申込み若しくはその申込みに係る売買契約がこの法律の施行後に締結された場合におけるその売買契約又はこの法律の施行前に締結された特定指定商品の売買契約については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(12) With regard to a sales contract concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act or an application for a sales contract that a seller received prior to the enforcement of this Act or, where the sales contract pertaining to said application is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, such sales contract, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable, notwithstanding the provision of Article 6 of the Act on Door-to-Door Sales, etc. as revised by the provision of the preceding paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

12 この法律の施行前に締結した売買契約又はこの法律の施行前に販売業者が受けた売買契約の申込み若しくはこの法律の施行後当該申込みに係る売買契約が締結された場合における当該売買契約については、前項の規定による改正後の訪問販売等に関する法律第六条の規定にかかわらず、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The provision of Article 9-12 of the New Act shall not apply to an application for a sales contract or a Service Contract that was received by a seller or a Service Provider prior to the enforcement of this Act or, where the sales contract or the Service Contract pertaining to such application is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, such sales contract or Service Contract, or a sales contract or a Service Contract concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 新法第九条の十二の規定は、この法律の施行前に販売業者若しくは役務提供事業者が受けた売買契約若しくは役務提供契約の申込み若しくはその申込みに係る売買契約若しくは役務提供契約がこの法律の施行後に締結された場合におけるその売買契約若しくは役務提供契約又はこの法律の施行前に締結された売買契約若しくは役務提供契約については、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The provision of Article 5 of the New Act shall apply to a sales contract or a Service Contract that was concluded after the enforcement of this Act, but with regard to a sales contract on Specified Designated Goods that was concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 新法第五条の規定は、この法律の施行後に締結された売買契約又は役務提供契約について適用し、この法律の施行前に締結された特定指定商品の売買契約については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) The provision of Article 7 (1) of the New Act shall apply to a sales contract or a Service Contract that is concluded after the enforcement of this Act, but with regard to a sales contract on Specified Designated Goods that was concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 新法第七条第一項の規定は、この法律の施行後に締結された売買契約又は役務提供契約について適用し、この法律の施行前に締結された特定指定商品のの売買契約については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The provisions of Article 9-2 and Article 24-2 of the New Specified Commercial Transaction Act shall not apply to an application for a sales contract or a Service Contract or manifestation of intention to enter into such contract that was made prior to the enforcement of this Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 新特定商取引法第九条の二及び第二十四条の二の規定は、この法律の施行前にした売買契約若しくは役務提供契約の申込み又はその承諾の意思表示については、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(7) The provisions of Article 40, Article 48, and Article 58 of the New Specified Commercial Transaction Act shall apply to a Multilevel Marketing Contract, a Contract on Specified Continuous Service Offers or a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Business Opportunity Related Sales Contract that was concluded after the enforcement of this Act, but with regard to a Multilevel Marketing Contract, a Contract on Specified Continuous Service Offers or a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Business Opportunity Related Sales Contract concluded prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

7 新特定商取引法第四十条、第四十八条及び第五十八条の規定は、この法律の施行後に締結された連鎖販売契約、特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは特定権利販売契約又は業務提供誘引販売契約について適用し、この法律の施行前に締結された連鎖販売契約、特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは特定権利販売契約又は業務提供誘引販売契約については、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「contract enforcement」の意味に関連した用語

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