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wild rabbitとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 野ウサギ、野兎
「wild rabbit」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 5件
It's difficult to catch a wild rabbit by hand.例文帳に追加
野うさぎを手で捕まえるのは難しい。 - Tatoeba例文
There is provided the repellent for animals such as deer, raccoon dog, fox, rabbit, monkey, wild boar, and rat, and birds such as pigeon and crow, wherein the repellent contains a dry powder of sand star as a main component.例文帳に追加
鹿、狸、狐、兎、猿、猪、鼠などの動物や鳩、鴉などの鳥類の忌避剤であって、忌避剤がヒトデの乾燥粉末を主成分とするものである。 - 特許庁
To provide a beast leg-tying trap whose rope loop-like part diameter is reduced to trap a beast and which can easily be set, can trap animals ranged from a large animal such as wild boar to a light animal such as rabbit or fox, is compact, and has a low-cost safety device.例文帳に追加
罠ロープのループ状部を縮径して獣類を捕獲する罠において、罠の設置を容易に行うことができ、猪等大きな動物から、ウサギ、狐等の軽量な動物まで捕獲が可能なコンパクトで、安価な、安全装置を設けた獣類の足括り罠を提供するものである。 - 特許庁
"While Kuro led brave warriors such as Juro Yoshitsura MIURA (Yoshitsura SAHARA) and engaged in an offensive and defensive battle at Hiyodorigoe (this mountain had a steep precipice and only a wild boar, a deer, a rabbit, and a fox could pass through the mountain), the Taira clan lost concentration of their consideration about their strategy and retreated, some of whom attempted to get out of Ichinotani-jo Castle by horse, and some attempted to escape into the Shikoku region by ship."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
「九郎が三浦十郎義連(佐原義連)ら勇士を率いて、鵯越(この山は猪、鹿、兎、狐の外は通れぬ険阻である)において攻防の間に、(平氏は)商量を失い敗走、或いは一ノ谷の舘を馬で出ようと策し、或いは船で四国の地へ向かおうとした。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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