該当件数 : 23件
terrestrial porcupine - 日本語WordNet
a genus of Hystricidae - 日本語WordNet
Old World porcupines - 日本語WordNet
a genus of Hystricidae - 日本語WordNet
a family of Hystricomorpha - 日本語WordNet
the transmogrification of the prince into a porcupine - 日本語WordNet
small gnawing animals: porcupines - 日本語WordNet
a genus of Erethizontidae - 日本語WordNet
porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail - 日本語WordNet
New World arboreal porcupines - 日本語WordNet
a stiff hollow protective spine on a porcupine or hedgehog - 日本語WordNet
porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail - 日本語WordNet
`She gets more and more like a porcupine every minute!' - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』
porcupine of northeastern North America with barbed spines concealed in the coarse fur - 日本語WordNet
It features four animals: a koala, red panda, two-toed sloth and Canadian porcupine. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Although the connection with the painted Yama-arashi has not been verified, there is folklore on Yokai (specter) Yama-arashi in various places across Japan, - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Because no detailed description is attached to it, no one can be sure what kind of Yokai (specter) the Yama-arashi represents, but some say that the Yama-arashi is not Yokai but merely an illustrated figure of the real animal, porcupine (yama-arashi in Japanese), or that fragmented information that a porcupine uses its spines to threaten other animals created the fictitious Yokai, Yama-arashi. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In Arita County of Wakayama Prefecture (present-day Hirokawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture) and Yamagata County of Hiroshima Prefecture, Yama-arashi is also called 'Shii'; cow keepers often say 'Shii, Shii', meaning 'Yama-arashi is behind you', to move cows forward as cows are very scared of porcupines full of spines. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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原題:”Through the Looking Glass: And What Alice Found There” 邦題:『鏡の国のアリス』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. (C) 2000 山形浩生 プロジェクト杉田玄白正式参加作品。 本翻訳は、この版権表示を残す限りにおいて、訳者および著者に一切断ることなく、商業利用を含むあらゆる形で自由に利用・複製が認められる。 |
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