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該当件数 : 9



In the stage production by Hakuo, Daigakunosuke was killed at Enma-do Temple, but he was in fact Taheiji disguised as Daigakunosuke, who then appeared through Hayagawari.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, he acted together with Utaemon ICHIKAWA, who got intimate for his namesake, at the Actors Festival, and had mischief to act 'Mondonosuke SAOTOME, a woman.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tadasaburo SASAKI, who was Kumigashira (the leader) of the Sagami no kami brigade, and Kichitaro WATANABE, Yasujiro TAKAHASHI, Hayanosuke KATSURA, Nakazo DOHI, Daizaburo SAKURAI, and Nobuo IMAI are regarded as likely perpetrators of the assassination of Ryoma SAKAMOTO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The audience liked it because it had a lot to see, such as the brutality that every act contained the scene of murder, Hayagawari (quick-change technique used when actors play more than one role), the scene of a threat and so on, in addition to the performance of Koshiro MATSUMOTO the fifth, who played Daigakunosuke and Taheiji at its first performance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



From the end of 1868, he hid with the former Shinsengumi members, Ichiro MINAMI and Mototaro TAKEUCHI in Edo, to assassinate the former Shinsengumi soldiers, HAYAKAWA and FUKUI (first names were unknown) by the order of Kuninosuke ABE of Numazu kinban gumi (Edo duty of Numazu) but ran out of money so they begged for money from Kaishu KATSU in January but were scolded instead over the disposal of HAYAKAWA and FUKUI. So they decided to end the conflict peacefully through negotiations with both parties.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Kabuki Eiga Pro,' in cooperation with Nakane Pro and YAMAGUCHI's 'Yamaguchi Toshio Productions,' Kobunji acted in the first films that were produced by these two production companies and Yoshinosuke ICHIKAWA (later known as Kiyoshi SAWADA), who had come from Ayameike Studio of Ichikawa Utakemon Productions (Uta Pro) in Nara and joined 'Kabuki Eiga Pro,' also acted in "Aizo Ketsurui" (Love and Hate, Blood and Tears) produced by Chie Pro, but YAMAZAKI's 'Kanshu Renmei' fell apart early at the end of July in 1928.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


October 20 of the same year, Kichigoro along with his fellows including Kazusuke MATSUSHIMA, Sukegoro MIYAGAWA, Jinbe SAWADA, Kanetsugu ANDO, Sadaroku OKAYAMA, Yasutaro HAYAKAWA, and Kentaro NAKAYAMA visited Sanjo-ohashi bridge and tried to remove the notice board and, therefore, they were attacked by Shinsengumi members who were watching the notice board including Sanosuke HARADA and Tadao ARAI, who fought back using their long swords, however, Kichigoro was killed (Sanjo notice board incident).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kitokuro ICHIKI, who was his intimate friend and chairman of the Privy Council, and other following figures participated in the memorial service: from the political circles and the official circles; Ministry of Education, House of Peers, Gakushikai (academia), German Consular Offices (Osaka and Kobe), Rentaro MIZUNO, Yosaburo TAKEGOSHI, Kanji ISHIHARA among others, from the educational circle; President of Waseda University Tomio NAKANO, President of Doshisha University Toraji MAKINO,President of Kwansai Gakuin University Kiichi KANZAKI, President of Kansai University Sho Takeda, Dean of Faculty of Law, Kyoto Imperial University Sotaro WATANABE, and from the business circle; President of Daido Life Insurance Company Kyuemon HIROOKA, President of Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) Hisanobu TERAI, President of Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK Line) Eitaro OKADA, Board Chairperson of The Asahi Shinbun Company Choken Murayama, President of Mainichi Shinbun Shingoro TAKAISHI, President of the Yomiuri Shinbun Matsutaro SHORIKI, President of the Kyoto Shinbun Harunosuke USHIROGAWA, Sumitomo Zaibatsu (financial combine) Kichizaemon SUMITOMO, and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



According to "Hososhiyo-sho", when the Myobo-ke (judicial officials) interpreted Yororitsuryo Sagi-ritsu (punitive clause regarding fabrication of official documents and government properties under the Yororitsuryo code) earlier, it was described that the fabrication of the Daijo Tenno Zen (a decree by the Retired Emperor) is a crime comparable to the fabrication of the Shosho (an imperial decree), which shows that the concept of inzen could have been in use early in the history. Nonetheless, the first record which mentions the term inzen is "Encho Shichi-nen Daijingu Kanchu", taken from "Dai Nihon Shiryo" (the Historical Materials of Japan) Vol.1, no.6, which was a document that, upon receipt of an imperial decree from Emperor Uda in 927, Ise-jingu Shrine issued as the Emperor Uda's instructions to Shingun (a district designated as a sanctuary which enjoyed certain privileges under an Imperial charter).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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