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Kogo-ishi (神籠石) is also written 皮籠石, 交合石 and 皇后石 and the original meaning of "kogo" remains unknown. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It was also Takakage who defeated Doken HONEKAWA, a samurai in command of the foot troops, who was secluded in Fushimi Inari and had tormented the Western squad. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Following the first victory over Omi at Okinaga-no-Yokokawa River on August 8, they moved forward with further victories at Tokono-yama Mountain on 10th and Yasunokawa-hama Shore on 14th. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Each separation cage 6 has a mesh size through which the cotyledon is not passed and is structured to enable to discharge the seed coat and the separated and remaining cotyledon. - 特許庁
A container such as a rug, a bamboo blind, a cage or the like is provided by weaving or knitting original strings obtained by finely winding the bamboo sheath or bundling finely treated bamboo sheaths or dried slender parts of another plant to a core string, winding and aligning the strings in a vortex-like state or the other shape, knitting and connecting the strings by the sheathes. - 特許庁
The scabbard are lacquered using techniques including 'ishime-nuri' (powdered lacquer surface to produce a coarse finish), and 'tataki-nuri' (semigloss uneven coating) to obtain a non-slip effect, 'ro-nuri' (gleaming lacquer finish), and highly ornate 'kinpun-chirashi' (sprinkling of gold powder), 'aogai-chirashi' (sprinkling of mother-of-pearl), 'kin-makie' (gold lacquer), 'scabbard covered with scraped shark skin,' 'xx kizami' (inro-kizami, grooved line patterns), and rare techniques using 'leather' or 'scales.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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