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該当件数 : 6件
This method for producing Hishio comprises using at least one Hishio using bacteriocin for a food which uses at least two Hishio selected from the group consisting of Toubanjian (Chinese chili paste), Tenmenjian (brown paste) and Touchijian (Chinese salt natto paste). - 特許庁
To provide a method for producing Tobanjan, having clear red color and rich deliciousness while reducing contamination degree with spore bearing bacteria; to provide the Tobanjan produced by the production method; and to provide a food using the Tobanjan. - 特許庁
To obtain seasoning like doubanjiang (hot bean paste) having not only hotness but also rich flavor and suiting taste of more people. - 特許庁
Other variations may include salt, sobatsuyu (Soba soup broth), mentsuyu, miso, mayonnaise, chemical seasoning, Worcester sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, XO sauce, tobanchan, wasabi, curry sauce, shichimi togarashi (a mixture of red cayenne pepper and other aromatic spices), chili oil, and sukiyaki sauce. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In addition to the typical pepper seasoning, ground red pepper, sesame, grated garlic, garlic chips, garlic pepper, ramen condiments, vinegar, bean paste with red pepper such as tobanchan, green chive pickles, and various types of Kimchi are popular as seasonings. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The method comprises allowing bacteriocin to exist in the production process of the Tobanjan, making the Koji (grains germinated with malt) in a Koji-making machine in a sealed state except the time for maintenance while continuously or intermittently feeding degermed air, and carrying out fermentation and maturing of unrefined Tobanjan obtained by adding the bacteriocin to the obtained solid Koji in a regulated common salt concentration. - 特許庁
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