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give in marriage toの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方
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give to in marriage 例文帳に追加
結婚する - 日本語WordNet
to give a daughter in marriage―marry a daughter to a man―marry a daughter into a family 例文帳に追加
嫁にやる - 斎藤和英大辞典
Tono Chujo felt pity for his son Kashiwagi, who wanted to marry Onna Sannomiya, the younger sister of Onna Ninomiya by a different mother, so he pleaded with Emperor Suzaku to give his daughter in marriage to Kashiwagi. 例文帳に追加
異母妹・女三宮を得られなかった柏木(源氏物語)を哀れんだ父の頭中将が朱雀院に嘆願する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The god is believed to give efficacy to those praying for pregnancy, smooth delivery or marriage and those suffering from genital diseases or sexually transmitted diseases, and in relation to fertility and productiveness, the god is also believed to answer prayers for prosperous trade. 例文帳に追加
子宝、安産、縁結び、下の病や性病などに霊験があるとされるが、他に豊穣や生産に結びつくことから商売繁盛にも霊験があるとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
① If women give up "employment" due to "marriage/childbirth" , women's participation in the labour market will not be realized, resulting in a medium-term labour force decrease (until around 2030);例文帳に追加
①「結婚・出産」のために「就業」を断念すれば、女性の労働市場参加が実現せず、中期的(~2030年頃)な労働力人口減少の要因となり、 - 厚生労働省
There was a marriage proposal for the eldest son of the family eligible for regents and chancellor, FUJIWARA no Tadamichi, however, a rumor went around about Shoshi's behavior, Tadamichi's father, FUJIWARA no Tadazane, did not give approval to the proposal and it left a bad impression on Shirakawa in. 例文帳に追加
長じて摂関家の嫡男藤原忠通との縁談が持ち上がったが、璋子の素行に噂があったため忠通の父藤原忠実は固辞し、白河院の不興を買った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
②If women give up "marriage/childbirth" due to "employment", long-term securing of labour force (after around 2030) will be difficult because of the rapid decline in the working age population.例文帳に追加
②「就業」のために「結婚・出産」を断念すれば、生産年齢人口の急激な縮小により、長期的(2030年頃以降)な労働力確保が困難に。) - 厚生労働省
It is said that since Tukiyama-dono, Tokuhime's mother-in-law, was worried that Tokuhime did not give birth to a legitimate child for a long time after marriage, she made Nobuyasu marry a female servant who was a daughter of an ex-vassal of the Takeda clan Masatoki ASAHARA, which led to discord between Tukiyama-dono and Tokuhime. 例文帳に追加
しかし、いつまでも嫡子が生まれぬのを心配した姑の築山殿が、信康に元武田氏家臣の浅原昌時の娘で、部屋子をしていた女性を側室に迎えさせたため、この時から築山殿と徳姫が不和になったといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved. |
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