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「Unfermented tea」の部分一致の例文検索結果
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カフェインの少ない不発酵茶及びその製造方法 - 特許庁
The smoked unfermented tea leaves are prepared by subjecting unfermented tea leaves to a smoking treatment, and the tea drink contains a tea leaf extract obtained by extracting the smoked unfermented tea leaves.例文帳に追加
不発酵茶葉を燻煙処理してなる燻煙不発酵茶葉および該燻煙不発酵茶葉を抽出して得られる茶葉抽出物を含んでなる茶飲料。 - 特許庁
To provide unfermented tea leaves having a new flavor, and to provide a tea drink having a new flavor.例文帳に追加
これまでにない香味を有する不発酵茶葉および茶飲料の提供。 - 特許庁
The powdered tea is obtained by mixing catechin powder derived from semi-fermented tea leaves with catechin powder derived from unfermented tea leaves.例文帳に追加
未醗酵茶葉由来のカテキン類粉末に半醗酵茶葉由来のカテキン類粉末を混合して粉末茶とする。 - 特許庁
The catechin-containing product is preferably at least one kind selected from unfermented tea, semi fermented tea and fermented tea.例文帳に追加
カテキン含有物は、不発酵茶、半発酵茶、発酵茶から選ばれた1種以上であることが好ましい。 - 特許庁
A method for producing the tea extract containing non-polymeric catechins comprises soaking unfermented tea leaves in ethanol or ethanol aqueous solution of ethanol concentration of 85-99.5 vol.% to obtain unfermented tea leaves having catechin remaining ratio of ≥80 wt.% before soaking in ethanol or ethanol aqueous solution, and extracting the unfermented tea leaves in hot water or heated water.例文帳に追加
不発酵茶葉をエタノール又はエタノール濃度85〜99.5体積%のエタノール水溶液に浸漬してカテキン残存率がエタノール又はエタノール水溶液浸漬前の80重量%以上の不発酵茶葉を得、次いで当該不発酵茶葉を温水又は熱水で抽出する非重合体カテキン類含有茶抽出物の製造法。 - 特許庁
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「Unfermented tea」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 12件
Like green tea, the following kinds of tea are called unfermented tea: freshly-picked tea leaves heat treated in order to minimize oxidizing fermentation, which is caused by enzymes contained in fresh tea leaves.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
緑茶のように茶葉収穫後に加熱処理を加え、茶葉自身に含まれる酵素による酸化発酵を極力抑えた物を不発酵茶と言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The method for producing the tea extract includes feeding at least one kind of tea selected from among unfermented tea, semi-fermented tea and fermented tea to a column-type extractor; heating the tea and water, while continuously feeding the water at (-5)-25°C into the column, and extracting the extract at 50-100°C.例文帳に追加
カラム型抽出機に、不発酵茶、半発酵茶及び発酵茶から選ばれる少なくとも1種の茶を仕込み、−5〜25℃の水をカラム内に連続的に供給しながら茶及び水を加熱して50〜100℃の抽出液を抜き出す、茶抽出液の製造法。 - 特許庁
Green tea is almost synonymous with unfermented tea (不発酵茶) in scholarly classification, but in Japan it generally means Sencha (in a broad sense) simply, the green tea which is produced most often.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
緑茶は学術的には不発酵茶とほぼ同義であるが、日本で一般に緑茶といった場合、単に日本で最も多く作られている緑茶、すなわち煎茶(広義)を意味する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This method for producing the tea extracted solution includes fermenting one kind or a few kinds of tea selected from among unfermented teas, semi-fermented teas and fermented teas in a column type extractor, supplying a prescribed amount of steam from one side of the column followed by discharging from the other side, and supplying hot water to extract an extracted solution.例文帳に追加
カラム型抽出機に、不発酵茶、半発酵茶及び発酵茶から選ばれる1種又は数種の茶を仕込み、所定量の水蒸気をカラムの一方側から供給して他方側から放出し、次いで熱水を供給して抽出液を抜き出す茶抽出液の製造法。 - 特許庁
Located at the place (Koaza Sorabiro, Oaza Yuyadani, Ujitawara-cho, Tsuzuki-gun, Kyoto Prefecture) where Soen NAGATANI, who is said to have invented and promoted 'Aosei Sencha Seiho' ('Blue Method' to produce Sencha, or unfermented green tea) in 1738, used to live and the Nagatani family had lived until the Meiji period, Nagatani Soen Seika (the birthplace of Soen) is a facility which was built by local volunteers to preserve his tools for tea production and the remains of his Hoiro (device to heat and dry tea leaves) in 1960.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
永谷宗円生家(ながたにそうえんせいか)とは、元文3年(1738年)、「青製煎茶製法」を開発・普及させたと伝えられる永谷宗円が暮らし、明治まで永谷家が存在していた場所(京都府綴喜郡宇治田原町大字湯屋谷小字空広)に、製茶道具やほいろ跡を保存するため、地元有志の手により昭和35年に建設された施設。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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