意味 | 例文 (8件) |
illegal employmentとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 不法就労
「illegal employment」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 8件
Corrective measures against illegal dispatching may lead to workers' disadvantages (termination of fixed-term employment, dismissals, etc.)例文帳に追加
違法派遣の是正が労働者の不利益(雇止め、解雇等)につながる場合がある - 厚生労働省
After martial law was ended, the foreign worker‟s employment system started to include illegal workers. The employment Service Act and the Regulation Governing the Authorization and Management of the Employment of Foreign Nationals were enforced in 1992.例文帳に追加
戒厳令が解除されると、不法就労者の存在を踏まえた外国人労働者の雇用制度整備が始まり、1992年に「就業服務法」、「外国人招聘許可及び管理弁法」が施行された。 - 経済産業省
Simultaneously with the establishment of the “Employment Permit System,” a large number of illegal residents in South Korea (amounting to 289 thousand people, comprising 80% of the total number of foreign workers) were accepted as foreign workers, i.e. , they were “normalized.”例文帳に追加
「雇用許可制度」の発足と同時に、韓国内に多数いた不法滞在者数(28万9,000人、外国人労働者総数の8割を占めていた。)に対し、外国人労働者としての受入れ、いわゆる「正規化」を行った。 - 経済産業省
The Emergency Plan to Wipe Out Illegal Worker Dispatching was set up and has been implemented with the aim of ensuring appropriate practices concerning day worker dispatching: the type of business that has been criticized for insecurity of employment and frequent violations of the Worker Dispatching Act and related laws.例文帳に追加
労働者派遣法等の法令違反が少なからず見られるとともに雇用が不安定などの指摘のある日雇派遣の適正化等を図るため、「緊急違法派遣一掃プラン」を策定し実施している。 - 厚生労働省
Clients are deemed to have offered an employment contract to a dispatched worker if they overlook the following breach of the Act and receive illegal dispatching workers (except when they are not aware of the following unlawful acts, and not negligent in their unawareness).例文帳に追加
派遣先が、以下の行為(違法派遣)を受け入れている場合 (以下の行為を行ったことを知らず、知らないことに過失がない場合を除く。) - 厚生労働省
Based on the Act for Revising the Public Assistance Act enacted in December 2013, we will take comprehensive action including strengthening of independence support through employment, countermeasures against illegal receipt, and optimization of medical assistance.例文帳に追加
平成25年12月に成立した生活保護法改正法等に基づき、就労による自立支援の強化、不正受給対策の強化、医療扶助の適正化等に総合的に取り組む。 - 厚生労働省
It has been pointed out that illegal foreign workers, working for substandard wages, take away employment opportunities from Japanese workers in the present severe employment climate, and prevent the realization of a fair labor market. Furthermore, there have been human rights violations against illegal foreign workers. For example brokers arrange for illegal workers to come to Japan and gain a huge unfair profit by exploiting the wages that should be earned by the foreign workers. Foreign workers in these conditions are also unable to receive sufficient compensation in the event of an industrial accident.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
このような状況は,今日の厳しい雇用情勢にあって,不当に安い賃金で働く不法就労者が日本人 労働者の雇用機会を奪う等公正な労働市場を侵害するとの指摘もなされているほか,不法就労者の あっせんブローカーが多額の不当な利益を得る一方で,これら外国人が本来得るべき賃金を搾取さ れたり,労働災害に遭っても十分な補償が受けられないなど,不法就労者本人の人権上の問題も発 生している。 - 特許庁
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「illegal employment」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 8件
For example, it is said that in Korea foreign household workers are often given only one day off a month as a trade-off for being paid high wages, and in Hong Kong problems such as employment of foreign household workers under illegal labor conditions, abuse, and unfair dismissal occur frequently.例文帳に追加
例えば、韓国では、高い賃金を払う代償として、外国人家事労働者に対して休日を月に1日しか与えないことが少なくないという。また、香港では、外国人家事労働者に対する違法な労働条件下での雇用、虐待や不当な解雇といった問題が頻繁に発生している。 - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (8件) |
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