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mortar and pestle - 斎藤和英大辞典
To provide a novel, mortar type grinder, in which the direct attaching of a drive mechanism to a pestle is disposed with and thereby safely being used by subjecting the pestle to grinding motion and precession with magnetic force. - 特許庁
In the crusher 1 including an apparatus body 2, a mortar 4 held in a loading mount 3 arranged in the upper part of the apparatus body 2 and a pestle 6 held to the apparatus body 2 through a support 5 in the mortar 4, the apparatus body 2 includes a driving means of driving the loading mount 3 with the pestle 6 in a fixed state. - 特許庁
In addition, in Takeo in the Tenpo era, glass products such as cylinders for science experiments and ceramics such as an alembic (distilling equipment), a mortar and pestle were manufactured at Tsukazaki-jo Castle (castle for the lord of Takeo; present-day Takeo High School). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a crushing kit that can accumulate a sample sticking on a crushing medium (pestle) in a crushing container and quantitatively analyze the sample, and is low-cost and superior in safety. - 特許庁
If using a substantial amount, knead the shell lime well in a mortar then add small amount of glue solution and knead it again, and after repeating this process three to four times the shell lime and glue solution will be well mixed and the viscosity such that the pestle is no longer easy to move. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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