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a plant called a Drummond phlox - EDR日英対訳辞書
六月:「柳(撫子の花が付いている)」 他に「紫陽花」例文帳に追加
June: 'Willow' (flowers of fringed pinks are attached) and 'hydrangeas.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Beauty, modesty and a gentle disposition—a girl with these qualities is the ideal Japanese woman. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
Pink flowers of which I planted seeds are in full bloom, how many times I've checked them with morning dew (Shika wakashu) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The term 'Yamato' is sometimes used (e.g. Yamato-kotoba (words of Japanese origin), Yamato-damashii (Japanese spirit), Yamato-nadeshiko (woman who displays the feminine virtues of old Japan), Yamato-e painting (a traditional Japanese style painting of the late Heian and Kamakura period dealing with Japanese themes), etc.). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
しっ皮袴のしっぽころびを、三針はりなかにちょっと縫うて、 ぬうてちょとぶんだせ、河原撫子、野石竹。例文帳に追加
Sew squeezing tail skirts for a while, sew a bit in the three needle beams, with luggage and bunko, kawahirako, wild bamboo. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
One summer day, Genji invites Yugiri and other young courtiers and ridicules the bad taste and inelegance of Omi no Kimi, a daughter newly discovered by the Palace Minister, and after that he visits Tamakazura's place where pinks (tokonatsu) are blooming in riotous profusion. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It was originally called 'Higashi-Ichijo Dono' (the residence by Eastern Ichijo Street) but it subsequently came to be called 'Kazanin' (the residence by the mountain covered with flowers) after the dianthus and lespedeza flowers in the estate (according to "Kokon Chomon-Ju"). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
「フクジュソウと扇面」(「扇子扇面」に画像あり)「鷹」(右の画像参照)「はさみとスズメ」「ホトトギスと虹」「塩鮭と鼠」(北斎画廊13)「鮎と紅葉」(北斎画廊14)「蛙とゆきのした」(北斎画廊15)「鰈と撫子」(北斎画廊16)「蛇と小鳥」「桜花と包み」 葛飾北斎美術館所蔵。例文帳に追加
Adonis ramosa and a face of fan' (a picture in 'Sensu-Senmen' [fan on a fan], 'Taka' (hawk), 'Scissors and Sparrow,' 'A Gray-Headed Cuckoo and a Rainbow,' 'Salted Salmon and Mice' (Hokusai Gallery 13), 'A Sweetfish and Colored Leaves' (Hokusai Gallery 14), 'A Frog and Saxifrage' (Hokusai Gallery 15), 'A Butterfly and a Pink' (Hokusai Gallery 16), 'A Snake and a Small Bird,' (Cherry Flower and Pack), held at the Katsushika Hokusai Museum. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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