file a suit with the court 《against somebody for something》
bring an action in the court 《against somebody for something》
lay a complaint before the police
lodge [file] a complaint with the police
complain of a headache.
【形式ばった表現】 resort to [have recourse to] violence.
to the public, for help, for support
1. The charity is appealing to the public for donations. (その慈善団体は寄付を公に訴えている。)
2. She appealed for help when her house was on fire. (彼女の家が火事になったとき、彼女は助けを求めて訴えた。)
3. The government is appealing for calm in the face of the crisis. (政府は危機に直面して冷静さを訴えている。)
for damages, in court, for divorce
1. He decided to sue his employer for wrongful dismissal. (彼は不当解雇で雇用主を訴えることに決めた。)
2. She is suing her husband for divorce. (彼女は離婚のために夫を訴えている。)
3. The company was sued for damages by the victim's family. (その会社は被害者の家族から損害賠償を求めて訴えられた。)
ownership, rights, compensation
1. He claimed ownership of the land. (彼はその土地の所有権を主張した。)
2. She claimed her rights as a citizen. (彼女は市民としての権利を主張した。)
3. The victim's family claimed compensation from the company. (被害者の家族は会社から補償を請求した。)