意味 | 例文 (999件) |
該当件数 : 1577件
This display device for the vehicle is furnished with height adjusting function parts 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 free to adjust the displaying screen part 7 to a height position separated from a surface of the dash board 5 by a specified distance and an inclination adjusting function part 8 to adjust inclination of the displaying screen part in accordance with the adjusted height position. - 特許庁
A void part 8 is formed between the overhang 5b of the packing 5 and the bottom face of the shallow groove part 6b. - 特許庁
When a plate 3 is heated to cook food S to be cooked on the surface of the plate 3, an oil component O come out of the food S to be cooked flows down in a grooved portion 8 and stays in a space 16 between the grooved portion 8 and an oil guard 11. - 特許庁
The pivoting device for the panel material is so constituted that a hinge supporting leg 8 fixed to the surface of a supporting member 4 and supporting a hinge shaft 7 and a hinge 9 rotatably provided with the hinge shaft 7 supported by the hinge supporting leg 8 as the center and fixed to side edge sections of the gratings 1 adjacent to each other are provided. - 特許庁
An ultrasonic vibrator 8 is attached to the rear surface wall part of a nozzle body 13 and, when high-frequency voltage is applied to the ultrasonic vibrator 8 from an oscillation circuit, the ultraviolet vibrator 8 is operated to apply ultrasonic vibration to the nozzle body 13. - 特許庁
The ejection amt. of the soln. can be adjusted by adjusting the advance and retreat driving quantity of the piston 8 by rotating an adjusting knob 17 and, since the advance and retreat movement of the piston 8 is easy, the adjustment of moving quantity by the adjusting knob 17 can be also easily performed. - 特許庁
Next, the managing server 8 transmits the mail of investigation request to an intellectual property section. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 1577件
さらに、十分な調達量が確保できる時期(見込み)については、素材産業では、回答企業のうち調達済みの8%を含めて、7 月までに54%、10 月までに85%が調達を正常化できる見込みである。例文帳に追加
Furthermore, about time (estimation) by which enough quantity of procurement can be secured, in the raw material industry, 54% of companies (including 8% which have completed procurement in respondents) are expecting normalization of procurement by July, 85% are expecting by October. - 経済産業省
8. 無限責任組合員は、本条に規定する組合財産の分配に際し、その裁量により、相当と認める端数調整を行うことができる。例文帳に追加
(8) When distributing Partnership Assets as set forth in this Article, the General Partner may, in its discretion, adjust any fractional amount as it deems appropriate.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
When the humidity within the body 2 is deficient, the agent 8 releases moisture to condition the moisture. - 特許庁
The binary image data are printed by a printer part 11, after extension processing by this compression/decompression part 8. - 特許庁
The recovery amount and/or thickness of the floater 3 can be regulated by the adjustment of the height of a liquid level 4a of slurry 4 using a liquid level adjusting means 7 or the adjustment of rotary velocity of a scraping blade 8. - 特許庁
The electron spin acting part 9 includes an interface 3 between an inorganic ultra-thin film 8 and an organic ultra-thin film 7. - 特許庁
The span length Rt of a part crossing a bell mouth of a vane 8 is larger than the span length Rm of a part not crossing the bell mouth of the vane 8. - 特許庁
Owing to the constitution, the small sticking piece (8) can be easily separated from the sticking surface (5)without perforating the printed matter. - 特許庁
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