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該当件数 : 5件
And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. - Tatoeba例文
In 2006, "Mizue kai," a dance performance by geisha, which was not performed due to the Kabu-renjo Theater undergoing renovations was revived for the first time in thirty one years.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This mobile communication system allows the mobile station 40 to send a broadcasting communication request to an exchange 50 through a base station 10 in a communication service area S under control by itself and the exchange 50 instructs the mobile station 40 to switch the broadcasting channel to a base station 20 for broadcasting communication by a channel switching indicating means at the broadcasting communication request. - 特許庁
ヱ 特定保健用食品であつて保健の目的に資する栄養成分について国民の健康の維持増進等を図るために性別及び年齢階級別の摂取量の基準(以下ヱにおいて「摂取基準」という。)が示されているもの又は栄養機能食品であつて機能に関する表示を行つている栄養成分について摂取基準が示されているものにあつては、それぞれ一日当たりの摂取目安量に含まれる当該栄養成分の、摂取基準における摂取量を性及び年齢階級(六歳以上に限る。)ごとの人口により加重平均した値に対する割合例文帳に追加
(qq) For food for specified health use for which consumption criteria by gender and age (hereinafter referred to as "consumption criteria" in (qq)) with regard to nutrients that serve the objectives of healthcare are indicated for the purpose of maintaining and improving citizen's health, and for food for specified health use for which consumption criteria are indicated with regard to nutrients whose functions are indicated: the rates of said respective nutrients contained in recommended consumption per day against the weighted average of criterial consumption calculated by using the population by gender and age (limited to six years old or over);発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
This is same man (Suketomo Kyo), who was once taking shelter from the rain in the gate of To-ji Temple, where there were gathered together many cripples with twisted arms and distorted legs bent backwards. Noting their various peculiar deformities he thought, 'These are all very strange freaks, and are certainly well worth preserving.' But, when he looked at them more closely, he soon lost all pleasure in them and, regarding them as ugly and vile, thought, 'Surely there can be nothing better than the unusual upright form.' So on his return home, his well-loved little trees, which he had collected and carefully trained into queer shapes to make his eyes glad, from that time forth no longer gave him any pleasure; for he felt that to love them was like loving those cripples. Accordingly, he dug up and threw away all his dwarf trees that he had cultivated in little pots.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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