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英訳・英語 macro element
該当件数 : 35件
The different elements of the macro language are: Macro variables, macro program statements, macro functions.発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
The pattern language program forming device 10 comprises a storage device 2 for registering a first macro element, a macro element forming means 3 for forming a second macro element including the first macro element and registering it in the storage device 2, and a logic forming means 3 for forming a function block diagram 11 including the second macro element. - 特許庁
環境 はマクロよりも大きな構文要素です。 環境は、マクロの引数に入れるには内容がやや大きすぎて便利さを欠く場合に使えます。例文帳に追加
An environment is a larger construct than a macro, and can be used for things with more content than would conveniently fit in a macro parameter. - Python
The IMF’s view should be that a stable financial system is an important factor for the macro economy.発音を聞く - 財務省
マクロや環境におけるパラメタをマークする場合を除き、Python ドキュメントではグループ自体は控えめに使います。 マクロ は通常は単純な構成要素で、マクロ名で識別され、いくつかのパラメタを取ることがあります。例文帳に追加
Since Python tends toward the explicit, groups are also made explicit in the documentation markup.Groups are used only sparingly in the Python documentation, except for their use in marking parameters to macros and environments.A macro is usually a simple construct which is identified byname and can take some number of parameters. - Python
This chapter clarifies the microelements such as changes in company activities that have a certain influence upon these macro phenomena. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 35件
DisplayおよびScreen構造体の要素は、専用のマクロや関数を使った場合だけアクセスが許される。 Display 構造体の情報を取得するマクロと関数の使用については、2.2.1 節を参照すること。例文帳に追加
You can access elements of the Display and Screen structures only by using the information macros or functions.For information about using macros and functions to obtain information from the Display structure, see section 2.2.1. - XFree86
定義するマクロのリスト; それぞれのマクロは2要素のタプルで定義されます。 '値'には定義しようとしている文字列、または内容なしで定義する場合はNone(ソースコード中で#define FOOと書く、または Unix Cコンパイラのコマンドラインで-DFOO を指定するのと等価です)を指定します。例文帳に追加
list of macros to define; each macro is defined using a 2-tuple, where 'value' is either the string to define it to or None to define it without a particular value (equivalent of#define FOO in source or -DFOO on Unix Ccompiler command line) - Python
Microcells each having internal logic elements (logic module) on one chip are mounted on the logic device 101 and logic data (logical operation data) are written from a logic generation tool 70 to wire the microcells. - 特許庁
consideration of the elements required for sustainable exchange rate regimes in emerging market economies in the context of the global economy, backed by consistent macroeconomic policies;発音を聞く - 財務省
While you say that such factors as the macro-balance and the strong external position are included in your consideration, it remains unclear how and to what extent each of these factors is taken into account. - 財務省
The pattern language program forming device 10 can hierarchically use the macro elements, and the forming efficiency of the pattern language program can be further improved. - 特許庁
When performing field coding on the macro block subjected to processing; whereas a field-based context model 94 is applied to the syntax elements. - 特許庁
The slice layer encodes an efficient addressing mechanism (e.g., a syntax element specifying a beginning macroblock row of the slice layer), as well as an efficient mechanism to optimally retransmit picture header information. - 特許庁
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