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英訳・英語 feasibility study; FS
該当件数 : 89件
To reduce labor and costs of business survey by efficiently collecting business information by each category. - 特許庁
実行可能性[採算性, 企業化]調査, フィージビリティースタディー《略 FS》例文帳に追加
a feasibility study発音を聞く - 研究社 英和コンピューター用語辞典
Looking at changes in enterprise size over a period of five years (from 1996 to 2001) according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' (MIC) Establishment and Enterprise Census of Japan, the proportion of expanding enterprises and shrinking enterprises increases with size, and the proportion of shrinking enterprises is relatively higher (Fig. 2-1-22). - 経済産業省
Source: Commissioned by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency "Questionnaire Survey on Internationalization and Corporate Activities" (November 2009,Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.)Notes: - 経済産業省
Explanatory variables: (1) Size of enterprise (natural logarithm by adding 1 to the number of employees at the time of evaluation) - 経済産業省
今後4 つの日本企業コンソーシアムが、DMIC地域の中の4 か所で事業化調査を開始する。(第2-4-2-7図)。例文帳に追加
Four Japanese company consortia will start feasible study in four locations in DMIC (see Figure 2-4-2-7). - 経済産業省
「企業活動基本調査」のデータに基づき、2001 年に輸出を開始した企業と非開始企業(全産業)との国内雇用の経年変化を比較したところ、2004~05 年は輸出開始企業の方が雇用の増加率が高くなっているが、2008 年には輸出開始企業の方が大きく減少している。例文帳に追加
The "Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities"-based comparison of changes over the years for enterprises that started exports in 2001 and those that have not started exports (all industries) shows that in 2004 and 2005, the employment growth rates of enterprises that started exports were higher than those of enterprises not started exports, but in 2008 the employment by export-started enterprises declined significantly. - 経済産業省
単語を確認! -
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学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 89件
Using the Survey on SME Business Conditions conducted by the SME Agency and the SMRJ, we will examine the Business conditions DI (the number of enterprises replying that business conditions have improved compared to the previous period minus the number of enterprises replying that business conditions have worsened) for SMEs in 2007 by prefecture in order to ascertain the disparity in SMEs' business sentiment by region. - 経済産業省
The Quarterly Survey on Trends of Small Enterprises produced by the Japan Finance Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprises (JASME) similarly shows that the business conditions DI for SMEs is presently following a weakening trend (Fig. 1 below). - 経済産業省
In particular, we supported the study of SME internationalization best practices, and asked that the outcomes of the study be shared with the APEC members at the margins of the next SME Ministerial Meeting in 2011. - 経済産業省
続いて、全国中小企業団体中央会「中小企業月次景況調査」(以下「中小企業月次景況調査」という)で中小企業の景況感を見てみる。大震災後の中小企業の景況DI は、大震災前の2011 年2 月と比べ、同年4 月にはマイナス20ポイントの大幅な悪化となったが、その時点で底を打ち、5 月からマイナス幅の縮小に転じ、7 月まで順調な回復を続けた。例文帳に追加
Furthermore, according to the results of the National Federation of Small Business Associations’ Monthly Inquiry on SME Business Conditions, the business confidence DI for SMEs which worsened sharply by -20 points in April compared with February 2011, previous month of the earthquake, has bottomed out in the same month, then the rate of decline has begun to narrow.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
大震災後の中小企業の資金繰りDI は、中小企業景況調査によると、中小企業全体、小規模企業ともに、大震災直後の2011 年4-6 月期に大幅に悪化した後、同年7-9 月期には大震災前の水準に回復し、その後は緩やかに改善している(第1-1-14 図)。例文帳に追加
According to the Survey on SME Business Conditions, the financial position DIs for both SMEs as a whole and small enterprises worsened sharply in the second quarter of 2011 immediately after the great earthquake. They then recovered to their pre-earthquake levels in the third quarter, since when they are gradually improving (Fig. 1-1-14).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Furthermore, the Survey on SME Business Conditions, which surveyed about 19,000 SMEs, including enterprises with capital of less than ¥20 million that were not covered by the BOJ Tankan, indicated that the SMEs’ Business conditions DI continued to decline for 12 consecutive quarters, from April-June 2006 to January-March 2009. The Business conditions DI in the period of October- December 2008 had been the worst since revising the survey contents in 1994, until a new record was made in January-March 2009. - 経済産業省
少子化対応経営を実施している中小企業等の事例を調査する。また、少子化対応経営に伴うコスト、ベネフィット、関連諸施策を調査、その普及を図り、中小企業の少子化対策を促進する。(継続)(予算額 47百万円)例文帳に追加
Investigations will be carried out on management policies compatible with a declining birthrate, together with those on the costs and benefits of such policies and various related measures, endeavoring to make the issues better known and facilitating SMEs' employment measures to cope with the declining birthrate.(continuation) (\\47 million budget) - 経済産業省
Furthermore, the same survey shows that as for the outlook of business expansion in Thailand after the floods, about 97% of companies chose either "strengthen/expand" or "maintain the status quo." - 経済産業省
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