意味 | 例文 (36件) |

英訳・英語 seller of drug; drug seller
該当件数 : 36件
A plurality of pieces of medicine information including at least a selling price at a prescribed medicine wholesale company and a URL of a web site for medicine purchase are registered for each of a plurality of medicines, in a management server 20 of a medicine selling agency system 100. - 特許庁
医薬品関係従業者数は 23.8 万人(医薬品製造販売業等 18.9 万人、医薬品卸売業 4.9万人)で、全産業の就業者数に占める割合は約 0.4%である(図表 15)。例文帳に追加
The number of employees related to pharmaceutical products is 238,000 persons (189,000 persons in manufacturing / distribution of pharmaceutical products and 49,000 persons in drug wholesaling) and the percentage of them in people holding jobs in the whole industry is about 0.4% (Fig. 15). - 厚生労働省
To provide a system which enables medical institutions to easily purchase inexpensive medicines and enables medicine wholesale companies to efficiently sell medicines and expect opportunities for getting new customers. - 特許庁
To provide a medicine selling system for selling medicines as welfare for union establishments of health insurance unions or the like through the Internet. - 特許庁
医薬品製造業又は製造販売業の業許可を受けている企業数は「医薬品産業実態調査」(2005 年度)によると、1,660 社で、全体の約 7 割超は資本金3億円以下の企業である。例文帳に追加
The number of companies obtaining authorization of manufacturing of pharmaceutical products or manufacturing / distribution of pharmaceutical products is 1,660 companies by “Survey of the Prescription Pharmaceuticals Industry of Japan” (2005) and about 70% of the whole companies are those with capital asset of 300 million yen or less. - 厚生労働省
The medicine selling system 1 is mainly constituted of member's terminals 2 connected to the Internet N and allowed to be used by members M in a union establishment U, a union establishment server 3 installed and managed by the union establishment U and a seller's server 4 installed and managed by a selling company S for selling medicines. - 特許庁
薬事法に基づき卸売一般販売業の許可を受けている企業数は 3,349 社(医薬品産業実態調査(2005年度)。例文帳に追加
There are 3,349 companies that received the authorization of the first-class wholesaler based on the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (surveyed by the Japan Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association in 2005). - 厚生労働省
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該当件数 : 36件
By the further request of relaxation of regulations on the sales of pharmaceutical products from convenience stores as well as general stores, 371 items were shifted from non prescription drugs to quasi drugs in July, 2004. - 厚生労働省
Standardization of ethical drug code labels will assure medical safety through post-marketing product traceability and the prevention of drug mix-ups. Bar-coding on a per package basis by manufacturers and marketers is also called for to rationalize drug distribution and inventory management. - 厚生労働省
Breaking down trends in sales in wholesaling by industry and size reveals that the proportion of large establishments has grown among "textile" and "pharmaceutical and cosmetics, etc." wholesalers (Figs. 2-3-36~39). - 経済産業省
The union establishment server 3 authenticates a member M on the basis of member identification data ID sent from the member's terminal 2 and sends the selling medicine information SI of a medicine DM to be intermediately sold to the authenticated member M. - 特許庁
Compared with the status of the industry at the time of the previous vision, the share of pharmaceutical products made in foreign countries increased in the pharmaceutical market in Japan and on the other hand, problem of “drug lag” becomes clear that launch of the pharmaceutical products that have already been marketed in main companies in Europe and U.S. delays in Japan. - 厚生労働省
Also, alliance (cooperation) has become active more than ever such that companies jointly attempt research and development and distribution in foreign countries of pharmaceutical products with high risk. - 厚生労働省
(a) ある者がその会社から直接的又は間接的に入手し,かつ (b) その会社の名称及びその者の販売業者としての名称を付した包装によりカナダで販売され,流通され,又は販売のために広告される医薬品成分が異なる場合。例文帳に追加
(a) is acquired by a person directly or indirectly from the company, and (b) is sold, distributed or advertised for sale in Canada in a package bearing the name of the company and the name of that person as the distributor thereof, has the same effect, for all purposes of this Act, as a use of the trade-mark or the confusing trade-mark, as the case may be, by that owner.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Based in Switzerland, Roche was a leading global pharmaceutical company in terms of biomedical production technology as well as drug discovery and the establishment of a drug business platform based on genome information. For Chugai,Roche had the merit of being able to create a collaborative structure for R&D, production and sales in the field of bio medicine on a global scale. - 経済産業省
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