





該当件数 : 13


2) 金融商品取引業者等以外の者 当該者の主たる営業所又は事務所(外国法人又は外国に住所を有する個人にあっては、国内における主たる営業所又は事務所)の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては福岡財務支局長、当該者が国内に営業所又は事務所を有しない場合にあっては関東財務局長例文帳に追加

2. a person other than a Financial Instruments Specialist, etc.: the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau that has jurisdiction over the location of the principal business office or principal office of said person (or the principal business office or principal office in Japan, in the case of a foreign juridical person or an individual person domiciled in a foreign state) (or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, in cases where said location falls within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau; or the Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau, in cases where said person has no business office or any other office in Japan);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) 送達宛先を局長宛てに未届の場合は,その住居又は営業所の住所を送達宛先とみなす。 ただし,その住居又は営業所の住所がニュージーランド国外の場合はこの限りではなく,かかる場合は,ニュージーランドにおける送達宛先が提出されるまで局長は出願審査を実施する必要がないものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) Where an address for service has not been furnished to the Commissioner, the Commissioner may treat the residential or business address as the address for service, unless the residential or business address is out of New Zealand, in which case the Commissioner need not proceed with the examination of the application until an address for service in New Zealand has been furnished to him. - 特許庁

法第二百三十一条第一項 から第三項 までの規定による権限で商品取引員の支店その他の本店以外の営業所(外国の法令に準拠して設立された法人にあつては、国内における従たる営業所。以下この条において「支店等」という )に関するものについては、 前項第四号に規定する地方農政局長及び経済産業局長のほか、当該支店等の所在地を管轄する地方農政局長及び経済産業局長も行うことができる。例文帳に追加

The authority under Article 231, paragraphs 1 to 3 inclusive of the Act concerning branch offices and other business offices other than the head office of a Futures Commission Merchant (domestic secondary business offices, in the case of a juridical person established in accordance with the laws and regulations of a foreign state; hereinafter referred to asBranch Offices, etc.in this Article) may be exercised by the Director of a Regional Agricultural Administration Office or the Director of a Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry who has jurisdiction over the location of said Branch Offices, etc., in addition to the Director of a Regional Agricultural Administration Office or the Director of a Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry prescribed in item 4 of the preceding paragraph.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


However, under unavoidable circumstances, for example, if a business office or office of a Financial Instruments Business Operator is located in a remote area, an inspection shall be carried out by referring the registered items to the Director-General of the relevant Finance Bureau.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The directors-general of Local Finance Bureaus, when sales offices or other facilities of financial instruments intermediary service providers under the jurisdiction of the directors-general of other Local Finance Bureaus are located in their areas of jurisdiction, shall strive to cooperate with those Local Finance Bureau directors-general by, for example, providing information necessary for the supervision of the said financial instruments intermediary service providers.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

商品取引員に関する農林水産大臣及び経済産業大臣の権限 当該商品取引員の本店(外国の法令に準拠して設立された法人にあつては、国内における主たる営業所。次項及び第三項において同じ )の所在地を管轄する地方農政局長及び経済産業局長例文帳に追加

The authority of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry concerning Futures Commission Merchants The Director of a Regional Agricultural Administration Office or ― the Director of a Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry who has jurisdiction over the location of the head office (the principal office, in the case of a juridical person established in accordance with the laws and regulations of a foreign state; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph 3) of said Futures Commission Merchant発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


If a party to any legal proceedings under this Act does not reside, and does not carry on business, in New Zealand, the Commissioner or the Court, as the case may be, may require the person to give security for the costs of the proceedings. - 特許庁

(1) 本規則が関係する如何なる手続でも各出願人,及び登録意匠の所有者として又は権利を有するとして登録された各人については,当人の住居又は営業所の完全な住所に加えニュージーランドにおける送達宛先を局長宛てに届け出なければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) Every applicant in any proceedings to which these regulations relate, and every person registered as proprietor of, or as having an interest in, a registered design, shall furnish to the Commissioner, in addition to his full residential or business address, an address for service in New Zealand. - 特許庁

3 前項に規定する財務大臣に属する権限で、外国為替業務を行う者等の本店又は主たる事務所以外の営業所又は事務所(以下「支店等」という。)に関するものについては、同項に規定する財務局長のほか、当該支店等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあつては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(3) Among the authorities under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Finance prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the authority pertaining to a business office or office other than the head office or principal office of a person who engages in foreign exchange business, etc. (hereinafter, such office shall be referred to as a "branch office, etc.") may be exercised by the director-general of the local finance bureau who governs the area where the branch office, etc. is located (in the case where the office is located within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, the authority shall be exercised by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau), in addition to the Director-General prescribed in the said paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 本法に基づいて異議を申し立てる者,特許の取消若しくは特許に基づくライセンスの許諾若しくは第65条の規定に基づく発明についての紛争の裁決を局長に申請する者,又は本法に基づいて局長の決定に対し上訴する者がニュージーランドにおいて住所も営業所も有さないときは,局長又は上訴の場合に裁判所は,当該手続又は上訴の費用の担保を提供するようその者に命じることができ,また,前記担保の提供がないときは,その異議申立,申請又は上訴を放棄されたものとして取り扱うことができる。例文帳に追加

(2) If any party by whom notice of any opposition is given under this Act or by whom application is made to the Commissioner for the revocation of a patent or for the grant of a licence under a patent or for the determination of a dispute as to an invention under section 65 of this Act, or by whom notice of appeal is given from any decision of the Commissioner under this Act, neither resides nor carries on business in New Zealand, the Commissioner, or in the case of appeal, the Court, may require him to give security for the costs of the proceedings or appeal, and in default of such security being given may treat the opposition, application, or appeal as abandoned. - 特許庁


⑧ 他の財務局長が登録を行った金融商品取引業者に係る縦覧の申請があった場合は、登録を行った財務局において縦覧が可能なこと、及び金融商品取引業者のすべての営業所又は事務所には説明書類が備え置かれ、縦覧に供されている旨を申請者に伝えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(viii) When a request is made for the inspection of a Financial Instruments Business Operator that has been registered by another Director-General of the Finance Bureau, the applicant for inspection shall be informed that such inspection can be supplied by the Finance Bureau that granted the registration, and that explanatory documents are available for public inspection at every business site or office of Financial Instruments Business Operators.発音を聞く  - 金融庁







The manager of Sales Bureau








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