意味 | 例文 (9件) |

英訳・英語 psychological stress
該当件数 : 9件
They can be roughly categorized into physical stress, physiological stress, and psychological stress.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
To quantitatively determine a mental disease by preventing stress on a subject and noise in a defective contact, etc., when detecting physiological indexes correlating with a brain activity. - 特許庁
To provide a simple and high-versatility breath collecting system which enables time-lapse bread collecting from animal, in such a condition as being close to physiological conditions, without invasiveness, anesthesia, restraint, or stress at normal pressure. - 特許庁
Mounting of the elastic net to the heart reduces the heart muscle stress in cardiac failure by the support of biological tension similar to the characteristic of the heart muscle artificially to realize static cardiac muscle formation which blocks (prevents) the further expansion of cardiac failure or which reduces (treats) present abnormal expansion. - 特許庁
メダカ(学名:Orzyias latipes)内で環境有害物質によるストレスに特異的に反応するcDNA poolsを選定し、基板に固着化して環境ストレス分析のためのメダカ遺伝子チップを製作し、これを用いて環境有害物質に対する水中生物体の生理的な反応を迅速に検索するための環境有害性分析方法である。例文帳に追加
This method for analyzing the environmental hazardous properties is provided by selecting cDNA pools specifically responding to the stresses caused by the environmental hazardous materials in the killifish (Orzyias latipes), preparing the killifish gene chip for analyzing the environmental stresses by immobilizing the gene on a substrate and accessing the physiological response of an aquatic life against the environmental hazardous materials by using the same. - 特許庁
At least one dithiolane compound selected from compounds represented by formula (I) in a composition which aims at strengthening and/or holding natural antioxidation securement of skin to oxidative stress caused by especially UV radiant and includes a medium which is physiologically permitted is used for a cosmetic. - 特許庁
This small individual aquarium used for the adult of an experimental small fish on the research and development of a medicine is a small transparent cylindrical aquarium which ensures a minimum size for raising the small fish without giving a biological stress to the fish, minimizes the individual differences of physiological reactions for the growth of the fish and for the medicine. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 9件
The elastic net having the biological elastic characteristic consists of the flexible biocompatible polymer or medical material having an adhesion-reducing function, and mounted to the heart from the side of an epicardium to reduce stress applied to the ventricular wall expanded by a heart disease. - 特許庁
To provide a pharmaceutical administration pattern which is applicable for both high-content and low-content administration patterns of an active component, which is a diphosphonic acid or physiologically appropriate salts of the same, and the active substance is uniformly and almost completely discharged in 30 minutes and sufficiently stable such that its solubilily does not decrease even after a temperature stress. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (9件) |
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