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該当件数 : 10件
The survey covered health insurance claims of medical/dental fees and dispensing fees (hereinafter "Claim") covered by the the Association Insurance, Society Insurance, NHI or Medical care for latter-stage elderly, which has been assessed and approved by prefectural branches of the Health Insurance Claims Review and Reimbursement Services (hereinafter "Reimbursement Branches") and the Federations of National Health Insurance Organizations (hereinafter "NHI Federations"). - 厚生労働省
第七十三条 この法律(附則第一条各号に掲げる規定については、当該各規定。以下同じ。)の施行前に法令の規定により社会保険庁長官、地方社会保険事務局長又は社会保険事務所長(以下「社会保険庁長官等」という。)がした裁定、承認、指定、認可その他の処分又は通知その他の行為は、法令に別段の定めがあるもののほか、この法律の施行後は、この法律の施行後の法令の相当規定に基づいて、厚生労働大臣、地方厚生局長若しくは地方厚生支局長又は機構(以下「厚生労働大臣等」という。)がした裁定、承認、指定、認可その他の処分又は通知その他の行為とみなす。例文帳に追加
Article 73 (1) A determination, approval, designation, authorization or other disposition, or notice or other act made by the Commissioner of the Social Insurance Agency, the Director-General of a Regional Social Insurance Bureau or the head of a social insurance office (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner of the Social Insurance Agency, etc.") pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations prior to the enforcement of this Act (in the case of the provisions listed in the items of Article 1 of the Supplementary Provisions, the respective provisions; the same shall apply hereinafter), except those otherwise provided for by laws and regulations, shall respectively be deemed, after the enforcement of this Act, to be a determination, approval, designation, authorization or other disposition or notice or other act made by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Director-General of a Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare or the Director-General of a Regional Branch Bureau of Health and Welfare or the Japan Pension Organization (hereinafter referred to as the "Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, etc.") pursuant to the corresponding provisions of laws and regulations after the enforcement of this Act.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(e) "competent authority" means, as regards Japan, any of the Governmental organizations competent for the Japanese pension systems and the Japanese health insurance systems specified in paragraph 1of Article 2,as regards the United States, the Commissioner of Social Security; - 厚生労働省
Still it is the center of administration and judicature since it holds Kyoto Prefecture Chutan wide area Promotion Bureau which controls Chutan region, Kyoto Prefecture, the only social insurance office in the north of Kyoto Prefecture, Kinki Finance Bureau, prosecution review commissions, and Kyoto District Court Maizuru Branch is the only court among four branches in north which handles cases judging by collegiate court system in the district court and juvenile delinquencies of family court.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(c)2日本国については、次条1に掲げる日本国の年金制度及び日本国の医療保険制度に関する日本国の法律及び規則ハンガリーについては、次条2に規定する社会保障の計画及び制度に関するハンガリーの法律及び規則「権限のある当局」とは、次のものをいう 。例文帳に追加
(c) “legislation” means,as regards Japan,the laws and regulations of Japan concerning theJapanese pension systems and the Japanese healthinsurance systems specified in paragraph 1 ofArticle 2,as regards Hungary,the laws and regulations of Hungary relating tothe schemes and systems of social security,specified in paragraph 2 of Article 2 ; - 厚生労働省
(d)日本国については、次条1に掲げる日本国の年金制度及び日本国の医療保険制度を管轄する政府機関ハンガリーについては、ハンガリーの法令によって規律される社会保障の計画及び制度に責任を有するハンガリーの大臣、省又はその他の関係当局「実施機関」とは、次のものをいう 。例文帳に追加
2(d) “competent authority” means,as regards Japan,any of the Governmental organizations competentfor the Japanese pension systems and the Japanesehealth insurance systems specified in paragraph 1of Article 2,as regards Hungary,the Ministers, Ministries or other relevantauthorities of Hungary responsible for socialsecurity schemes and systems regulated by thelegislation of Hungary ; - 厚生労働省
As for the insurance business, small agents (insurance brokers), who are scattered here and there, are also playing an important role in local communities, rather than merely earning profits. Therefore, if such regional financial institutions are squeezed as a result of the revitalization of post offices, this reform would be meaningless.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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該当件数 : 10件
Our basic stance is that the reform would be meaningless unless “shinkin banks,” credit cooperatives and insurance brokers operate vigorously at the same time as post offices make contributions to local communities and the whole of Japan through their vigorous activity, so we are struggling to find a desirable approach.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Given, as you know, the considerable extent of reform and opening-up amid the current economic growth in Chinese society, cities will attract more and more people as a result of reform and opening-up efforts and, in this light, insurance will most likely be an area of future growth, while the fact remains that geographical ties and family ties are still much stronger in their society than in Japan. In that sense, I did get the impression that representatives of the Chinese supervisory authorities are also well aware of a very high level of significance that insurance will likely gain in the future.発音を聞く - 金融庁
(a)「国民」とは、次の者をいう 。 (b)日本国については、日本国の国籍に関する法律にいう日本国民インドについては、インドの国籍を有する者「法令」とは、次のものをいう 。 (c)2日本国については、次条1に掲げる日本国の年金制度に関する日本国の法律及び規則インドについては、次条2に掲げる法律及び規則「権限のある当局」とは、次のものをいう 。 (d)日本国については、次条1に掲げる日本国の年金制度を管轄する政府機関インドについては、海外インド人問題担当大臣「実施機関」とは、次のものをいう 。 (e)日本国については、次条1に掲げる日本国の年金制度の実施に責任を有する保険機関(その連合組織を含む 。 2インドについては、被用者積立基金機構「保険期間」とは、一方の締約国の法令による保険料納付期間及び当該法令において給付を受ける権(f)利の確立に際して考慮されるその他の期間をいう 。 ただし、社会保障に関する他の協定であってこの協定と同種のものにより、当該法令による給付を受ける権利を確立するために考慮することとされた期間は、含めない 。 3「給付」とは、一方の締約国の法令による年金その他の現金給付をいう 。 (g)2 この協定の適用上、この協定において定義されていない用語は、適用される法令において与えられている意味を有するものとする 。例文帳に追加
For the purpose of this Agreement:(a) The term “India” means the Republic of India;(b) The term “national” means,as regards Japan,a Japanese national within the meaning of the lawon nationality of Japan,as regards India,a person of Indian nationality;(c) The term “legislation” means,as regards Japan,the laws and regulations of Japan concerning theJapanese pension systems specified in paragraph 1of Article 2,as regards India,the laws and regulations specified in paragraph 2of Article 2;(d) The term “competent authority” means,as regards Japan,any of the Governmental organizations competentfor the Japanese pension systems specified inparagraph 1 of Article 2,as regards India,the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs;2(e) The term “competent institution” means,as regards Japan,any of the insurance institutions, or anyassociation thereof, responsible for theimplementation of the Japanese pension systemsspecified in paragraph 1 of Article 2,as regards India,the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization(EPFO);(f) The term “period of coverage” means a period ofcontribution under the legislation of aContracting State and any other period taken intoaccount under that legislation for establishingentitlement to benefits,however, a period which shall be taken intoaccount, for the purpose of establishingentitlement to benefits under that legislation,pursuant to other agreements on social securitycomparable with this Agreement shall not beincluded; and(g) The term “benefit” means a pension or any othercash benefit under the legislation of aContracting State . - 厚生労働省
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