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該当件数 : 6件
To provide a noncontact data transmitting and receiving device easily and quickly wearable without a resistance and easily and quickly mountable on an article. - 特許庁
He ingratiated himself with Okitsugu TANUMA and adopted his son, Tadanori MIZUNO, which enabled him to regain the position of daimyo and assume the post of roju; however, he was also shrewd enough to maintain his position that he disinherited Tadanori as soon as Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA came into power.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Thus, the noncontact data transmitting and receiving device 1 can be easily worn and easily mounted on an article such as a traveling bag or book. - 特許庁
As the United States was the epicenter of this impact, I think that it is natural for the country to take appropriate preemptive actions regarding the financial sector to prevent a situation like that to recur and pursue sound economic and monetary policy management. I understand that President Obama has taken action from that perspective, so I hope he will be successful.発音を聞く - 金融庁
In later years Kaishu KATSU commented, 'Among Saigo's men, Kirino and Murata had an exceptional talent' (in "Kaishu's Talks at the Hikawa Mansion" [Hikawa Seiwa]), while Shigenobu OKUMA talked, 'Concerning Toshiaki KIRINO who was a formidable leader of Satsuma next to Saigo in the Seinan War, he was a very capable man and also gaudy. He had a large and splendid body as well as splendid appearance and attitude, and he never wore kimono awkwardly and all of his clothes were very clean without any dirtiness' ("Shibenobu's Talks in Waseda" [Waseda Seiwa]).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I am aware that the euro-zone finance ministers held a meeting on Monday, February 20, European time, and that debate on aid for Greece is ongoing. As the details of the debate have not been made public, I would like to refrain from making specific comments. However, as I have been saying all along, I believe it is essential that in addition to extending aid to Greece in order to deal with the European debt crisis, Europe should adopt and steadily implement a comprehensive package of measures which realizes economic recovery as early as possible, and which simultaneously improves the fiscal deficit and regains the trust of financial markets. Japan will continue to carefully monitor the situation.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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