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「tier building」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 5件
To effectively utilize a space under a sink and to enhance a building-in property, in a refrigerator installed in a lowermost-tier drawer space of a built-in kitchen.例文帳に追加
システムキッチンの最下段の引き出しスペースに設置される冷蔵庫において、シンク下を有効に活用し、かつ組込性を高める。 - 特許庁
(3) In order to assist the development of new business and enhance the management capabilities of small and medium building contractors, the “Know-How and Technology Transfer Support Program” was implemented to pool the know-how and technologies of leading and mid-tier building contractors and provide the following forms of support to small and medium building contractors: (1) technological matchmaking support, and (2) know-how and advisory support. (New)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
(3) 中小建設企業の新事業展開、経営力の強化を支援するため、大手・中堅建設企業が有するノウハウ・技術を集約し、中小建設企業に対して①技術マッチング支援、②ノウハウアドバイス支援を行う「ノウハウ・技術移転支援事業」を実施した。(新規) - 経済産業省
It is said that the building enshrined a golden statue of Buddha and could accommodate 3,000 people, with two layers of kairo (a long-roofed, portico-like passage connecting two buildings) that surrounded a two-storied tower with a nine-tier 銅槃 (doban) hanging from a sorin at the top.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これは金色の仏像をまつり、相輪(そうりん)に九重の銅槃(どうばん)を垂らした二重の楼閣を中心として、二層の回廊をめぐらし3千人を収容できたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Steps will be taken to promote the use of loans provided by government-affiliated financial institutions and deposit loans provided by advance guarantee providers. Measures will also be taken to promote further uptake of the subcontractor safety-net loan guarantee scheme in order to prevent the deterioration of the financial positions and domino bankruptcies of small, medium and middle-tier building contractors.例文帳に追加
政府系中小企業金融機関による融資、前払金保証事業会社による預託融資などの活用の促進を図るとともに、中小・中堅建設業者の資金繰り悪化及び連鎖倒産防止の観点から、下請セーフティネット債務保証事業の普及促進を図る。 - 経済産業省
To provide a plant cultivation and display system principally decorating wall face of a house with not sufficient strength and wall face of a low/middle tier building, capable of easily carrying out modification or remodeling of the system after decorating with plants, and easily carrying out changing, addition, displacement of plants, space between plants, and easy to water, pruning, manuring, and control of insect pests.例文帳に追加
主として強度が充分とはいえない住宅の壁面やビルの中低層部の壁面を多種多様な植物で飾ることができ、植物を飾った後も装置の改造や模様替え、植物の交換、追加、配置換えが容易にでき、植物間の間隔を広げることも容易にでき、水やり、剪定、給肥、害虫除去などの世話も容易な植物栽培展示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
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