
「ある金額分の量」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > ある金額分の量の意味・解説 > ある金額分の量に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 9



To provide an elongated object to be sold by measure capable of easily performing sale or purchase for the fixed amount of money. - 特許庁

訴訟には十な根拠があるが,金額について十な情報がない場合は,原告は,次の補償を請求することができる: 500レヴァから100,000レヴァまで。具体的金額は,第76a条(2)及び(3)に従い,裁判所の裁によって決定される。又は侵害製品を,合法的に生産された物品であってその侵害製品と同一若しくは類似するものの小売価格で評価した金額と等しいもの。例文帳に追加

Where an action is well founded, but there is no sufficient information as to its amount, the claimant may request the following compensation: (i) 500 to 100 000 levs, the concrete amount being fixed at the discretion of the court, subject to the provisions of Article 76a(2) and (3), or (ii) the equivalence in money of the infringing products at retail prices of legally produced articles which are identical with or similar to the infringing goods.  - 特許庁


Breaking down the value of exports (year-on-year changes) into the export quantity factor, the export price factor (contract currency basis) and the exchange rate factor7 show that the exchange rate factor gave a negative contribution owing to the soaring yen, but that the major factor for the decline in the value of exports since September 2008 has been the rapid decline in the quantity of exports (Figure 2-1-2-7). - 経済産業省


When an article name, a unit price and an amount are inputted after a transaction division 21, an account settlement division 22, a client name 16, transaction contents 38, a cash kind 18 or kind of a deposit account, financial institution or the like are inputted, the price and the consumption tax are calculated and displayed according to the program. - 特許庁



To provide a customer data analyzing method by a database of purchase data, etc., in order to efficiently performing a marketing approach because maintaining significant customers whose purchase amount is large and increasing customer purchasing a lot are important for a dealer. - 特許庁


第三十六条 主務大臣は、指定副産物事業者であって、その供給に係るエネルギーの供給又はその施工に係る建設工事の施工金額が政令で定める要件に該当するものの当該指定副産物に係る再生資源の利用の促進が第三十四条第一項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項に照らして著しく不十あると認めるときは、当該指定副産物事業者に対し、その判断の根拠を示して、当該指定副産物に係る再生資源の利用の促進に関し必要な措置をとるべき旨の勧告をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 36 (1) The competent minister may, when he/she finds the manner in which a Specified By-product Business Operator whose amount of energy supply or price of Construction Work meets the requirements specified by Cabinet Order promotes the utilization of Recyclable Resources pertaining to the Specified By-product to be significantly lacking in light of the standards of judgment prescribed in Article 34, paragraph 1, recommend the Specified By-product Business Operator to take necessary measures for the promotion of utilization of Recyclable Resources pertaining to the Specified By-product, while presenting the grounds for his/her judgment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1) The competent minister may, when he/she finds the manner in which a Specified By-product Business Operator whose amount of energy supply or price of Construction Work meets the requirements specified by Cabinet Order promotes the utilization of Recyclable Resources pertaining to the Specified By-product to be significantly lacking in light of the standards of judgment prescribed in Article 34, paragraph 1, recommend the Specified By-product Business Operator to take necessary measures for the promotion of utilization of Recyclable Resources pertaining to the Specified By-product, while presenting the grounds for his/her judgment.  - 経済産業省

第十七条 主務大臣は、特定再利用事業者であって、その製造に係る製品の生産又はその施工に係る建設工事の施工金額が政令で定める要件に該当するものの当該特定再利用業種に係る再生資源又は再生部品の利用が第十五条第一項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項に照らして著しく不十あると認めるときは、当該特定再利用事業者に対し、その判断の根拠を示して、当該特定再利用業種に係る再生資源又は再生部品の利用に関し必要な措置をとるべき旨の勧告をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 17 (1) The competent minister may, when he/she finds the manner in which a Designated Resources-Reutilizing Business Operator whose production quantity or price of Construction Work meets the requirements specified by Cabinet Order utilizes Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Industry to be significantly lacking in light of the standards of judgment prescribed in Article 15, paragraph 1, recommend the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Business Operator to take necessary measures for the utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Industry, while presenting the grounds for his/her judgment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



(1) The competent minister may, when he/she finds the manner in which a Designated Resources-Reutilizing Business Operator whose production quantity or price of Construction Work meets the requirements specified by Cabinet Order utilizes Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Industry to be significantly lacking in light of the standards of judgment prescribed in Article 15, paragraph 1, recommend the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Business Operator to take necessary measures for the utilization of Recyclable Resources or Reusable Parts pertaining to the Designated Resources-Reutilizing Industry, while presenting the grounds for his/her judgment.  - 経済産業省


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