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(viii) Disposition with regard to the payment of incentive remuneration pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 98;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station cross-fertilized Hattan 35/Akitsuho; it was adopted as a recommended variety of Hiroshima Prefecture in 1983, and in 1984 the variety was registered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Here, eight Imperial decrees of six types were given to Ieyasu, appointing him to Seii taishogun, Shogaku ryoin betto (Rector of Junna and Shogaku colleges), and udaijin (minister of the right).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第九十条 刑事施設の長は、作業を行った受刑者に対しては、釈放の際(その者が受刑者以外の被収容者となったときは、その際)に、その時における報金計算額に相当する金額の作業報金を支給するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 98 (1) The warden of the penal institution shall pay sentenced persons who have ever been engaged in work the incentive remuneration equivalent to the calculated amount of incentive remuneration as at the time of their respective releases on the occasion of the respective releases (or on the occasion where a sentenced person has become an inmate other than a sentenced person, in the case where he/she has so become).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



In the Muromachi period, Rennyo, the eighth head of Hongan-ji Temple and the originator of restoration of Jodo Shinshu (the True Pure Land sect of Buddhism,) gave her followers the hanging scrolls with the script of 'Namu Amidabutsu' (a single, sincere call upon the name of Amida) and encouraged them to enshrine the scrolls at their own butsudan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Her accomplished performance in the film "Sandakan Hachiban Shokan: Bokyo" (Brothel 8) directed by Kei KUMAI in 1974 was so highly appreciated worldwide that she received the Silver Bear (best actress) at the Berlin International Film Festival and Geijutsu Sensho (Fine Arts Prizes) of the Ministry of Education.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

4 市町村は、第二十五条の第三号又は第二十六条第一項第四号の規定による報告又は通知を受けた児童について、必要があると認めるときは、その保護者に対し、保育の実施の申込みを勧しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) When a municipal government finds it necessary for a child for whom a report or notice pursuant to the provision of Article 25-8 item (iii) or Article 26 paragraph (1) item (iv) has been received, the municipal government shall recommend his/her guardian to apply for the daycare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


After the bakufu collapsed, Kazunomiya returned to Kyoto, however she decided to return to Tokyo after Emperor Meiji and Saneakira, who lived in Ichigaya Sadohara, encouraged her to come back, she lived in the former residence of Nobuyuki Totoumi no kami Nanbu of the Hachinohe Domain which is located in Hyoe-machi Town, Azabu City from July 1874.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

十条 都道府県労働局長は、第七十条第一項の規定による指示をした場合において、専門的な助言を必要とすると認めるときは、当該事業者に対し、労働安全コンサルタント又は労働衛生コンサルタントによる安全又は衛生に係る診断を受け、かつ、安全衛生改善計画の作成について、これらの者の意見を聴くべきことを勧することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 80 The Director of the Prefectural Labor Bureau may, in the case of having given the instruction pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 78 when finding that professional advices are necessary, recommend the said employer to accept diagnosis regarding safety or health by an industrial safety consultant or industrial health consultant, and further to hear the opinion of those professionals on preparation of a safety and health improvement plan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 都道府県等は、第二十五条の七第二項第三号、第二十五条の第三号又は第二十六条第一項第四号の規定による報告又は通知を受けた妊産婦について、必要があると認めるときは、当該妊産婦に対し、助産の実施の申込みを勧しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) When any of the prefectures, etc. finds it necessary for an expectant and nursing mother for whom a report or notice pursuant to the provision of Article 25-7 paragraph (2) item (iii) of, Article 25-8 item (iii) or Article 26 paragraph (1) item (iv) has been received, the prefecture, etc. shall recommend said expectant and nursing mother to apply for Midwifery Care Practice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


4 都道府県等は、第二十五条の七第二項第三号、第二十五条の第三号又は第二十六条第一項第四号の規定による報告又は通知を受けた保護者及び児童について、必要があると認めるときは、その保護者に対し、母子保護の実施の申込みを勧しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) When the Prefecture, etc. finds it necessary for a guardian and her child or children for whom a report or notice pursuant to the provision of Article 25-7 paragraph (2) item (iii), Article 25-8 item (iii) or Article 26 paragraph (1) item (iv) has been received, the Prefecture, etc. shall recommend said guardian to apply for the maternal and child aid.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 刑事収容施設及び被収容者等の処遇に関する法律第五十四条(第一項第二号及び第三号を除く。)、第五十五条、第九十条第五項(第一号に係る部分に限る。)、第九十九条、第百三十二条第四項から第七項まで及び第百七十六条の規定は、第二十条第四項の規定により要請国の官憲に引き渡した国内受刑者が逃走し、又は死亡した場合におけるその者に係る遺留物、作業報金又は発受を禁止し、若しくは差し止めた信書、削除した信書の部分若しくは抹消した信書の部分の複製について準用する。この場合において、同法第百三十二条第五項第二号及び第七項中「第五十四条第一項各号のいずれか」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項第一号」と、同条第六項中「第五十四条第一項」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項(第二号及び第三号を除く。)」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Article 54 (except for items (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (1)), Article 55, paragraph (5) of Article 98 (limited to the part pertaining to item (i)), Article 99, paragraphs (4) to (7) inclusive of Article 132 and Article 176 of the Act on Penal Detention Facilities and Treatment of Inmates and Detainees shall apply mutatis mutandis to the personal effects left behind , remuneration, prohibited or suspended correspondence, or reproduction of the deleted or erased part of correspondence, in the case of a domestic sentenced inmate, who has been handed over to an official of the requesting country pursuant to paragraph (4) of Article 20, escaping or dying. In this case, the term "any of the items in paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (5), item (ii) and paragraph (7) of Article 132 of the Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1), item (i) of Article 54", and the term "paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (6) of Article 132 shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1) of Article 54 (except for items (ii) and (iii))".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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