該当件数 : 20件
This implies that the rich savings in Asia are invested in European and American bonds(particularly, U.S. Treasury bonds) and not in bonds of other countries in the region. - 経済産業省
On the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI), we stressed the importance of the ABMI in promoting the local currency bond markets and enhancing the recycling of regional savings towards developing regional bond markets. - 財務省
また、中長期的な対応として、域内の貯蓄を域内の通貨建てで活用するために、アジア各国の自国通貨建て債券市場を育成する「アジア債券市場育成イニシアティブ」(Asian Bond Market Initiative:ABMI)を進めています。例文帳に追加
As a medium- to long-term effort, we have been working on the Asian Bond Market Initiative, or ABMI, with the aim of developing local currency-denominated bond markets to mobilize savings within the Asian countries for use in local currencies. - 財務省
The ultimate goal is to develop Asian bond markets that enable the issuance of bonds denominated in the currencies of the Asian region in order for private sector businesses to utilize the savings of Asia for long-term capital formation and investment. - 経済産業省
Thus, it is important now to develop an Asian bond market in order to: (1) eliminate the double mismatches by diversifying financing methods; (2) strengthen Asian financial systems by improving risk management through the development of a bond market; and (3) effectively utilize savings in Asia. - 経済産業省
我々は、ABMIの活動が、域内の貯蓄が域内の投資に活用されるようにするため、その 年の開始以来、効率的で流動性のある域内債券市場の育成に貢献していることを認識。例文帳に追加
We expect the technical working group to move on to the reassessment of business feasibility study on RSI. - 財務省
One of the initiatives on financial cooperation in Asia, based on the aforementioned lessons is the "Asian Bond Markets Initiative." The purpose of this initiative is to directly link regional savings with regional investments by promoting bond issuances denominated in local currency in capital markets in Asia. - 財務省
Japan has been actively promoting monetary and financial cooperation among the East Asian countries, and has put forth the Asian Bond Market Initiative (ABMI) to utilize domestic savings in Asian countries in regional investments. - 財務省
The lesson that we learned from the Asian Currency Crisis is that in order to establish a virtuous circle of savings in the region flowing into intra-region investment, it is essential to develop regional bond markets. - 財務省
One of the lessons we learned from the Asian currency crisis is the need to develop a regional bond market with the aim of realizing a virtuous circle of financing investment in Asia by abundant savings within the region. - 財務省
In order for Asian countries to maintain sustainable growth over the medium and long term, it is important for them to develop regional bond markets, with a view to better utilizing the region's high level of savings for long-term investments that is necessary for economic development. In this context, the Finance Ministers of ASEAN countries, China, Korea, and Japan (ASEAN+ 3) agreed in August 2003 to intensify their efforts to develop regional bond markets. - 財務省
We believe that such efforts, in consultation with the private sector, will contribute significantly to the development of deeper and more liquid regional bond markets that will assist in the efficient allocation of the large pool of savings in Asia to fund productive investment in the region. - 財務省
With our Asian neighbors, we will further enhance the effectiveness of the Chiang Mai Initiative, a regional framework for preventing and responding to currency crises, and promote the Asian Bond Markets Initiative, a framework for making better use of Asian savings for regional investments. - 財務省
The lesson learned from the currency crisis is that Asian bond markets must be fostered so that the private sector does not become entrapped in a "currency" and "maturity" mismatch in their financing. An environment must be developed to ensure access to a stable supply of long-term funds to support private-sector investment. It is also desirable for the savings of the Asian region to be effectively utilized within the region itself. - 財務省
In order to link private sector savings to the medium and long-term funds necessary for the economic development of Asia and to eliminate the double mismatches of currency and maturity, it is important to develop bond markets within the Asian region without depending on bank loans excessively. - 経済産業省
Along with all the efforts mentioned above, we will also strive to contribute to achieving stability and development of the world economy, in cooperation with international organizations, other G7 countries, Asian countries, and others. With our Asian neighbors, we will pursue the review of the Chiang Mai Initiative, a regional framework for preventing and responding to currency crises, and promote the Asian Bond Markets Initiative, a framework for making better use of Asian savings for regional investments. - 財務省
However, if domestic bond markets are developed and domestic capital procurement is energized so that the abundant savings that exist domestically are used for domestic investment rather than depending on short-term overseas borrowing for capital procurement as before, the degree of dependency on overseas borrowing will decline and the risk of another currency crisis occurring will be alleviated. - 経済産業省
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