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That means good work.の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 8


That means good work. 例文帳に追加

それはお疲れ様という意味です。 - Weblio Email例文集

Kuromame has been eaten to encourage the ability to work hard and lead a healthy life ("mame" in Japanese means hard-working and good health), because it was said that its black color has the effect of charming evil spirits. 例文帳に追加

黒には魔よけの力が有るとされていたので、まめ(勤勉)に働き、まめ(健康)に暮らせることを願って食べられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a packaging sheet which has improved adhesion properties for ink and labels and has good surface characteristics so that bonding work or repairing work can be performed by means of adhesives and properly suppressing lubricating qualities, and which is light in weight and strong.例文帳に追加

インキの付着性がよく、ラベルなどの接着性がよく、滑性を適度に抑え、接着剤などを用いて接合加工や補修が可能であるなど表面特性にすぐれた、軽量で高強力な梱包用シートを提供すること。 - 特許庁

To enable brake fluid pressure to work on wheel brakes in a manner that ensures good responsiveness when brakes are not operated, by means of a simple, inexpensive arrangement.例文帳に追加

車両用ブレーキ液圧制御装置において、簡単かつ低コストの構成で、非ブレーキ操作時に車輪ブレーキにブレーキ液圧を応答性よく作用させ得るようにする。 - 特許庁


T'an-luan (early Chinese Pure Land philosopher and popularizer) explains Oso-eko in his main literary work "Muryoju-kyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge-chu" (also known as Ojoronchu) (Commentary on Vasubandhu's Upadesa on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life, also known as Ojoron-chu or Wangsheng lun zhu (Notes on the Treatise on Birth - in the Pure Land): Oso-eko means to give to all others one's virtues acquired through practicing good conduct and accumulating merits, and to aspire that everyone including oneself attains birth in Amida's Pure Land. 例文帳に追加

中国の曇鸞の主著『無量寿経優婆提舎願生偈註(往生論註)』のなかに、自分の行じた善行功徳をもって他の人に及ぼし、自分と他人と一緒に弥陀の浄土に往生できるようにと願うことが往相回向であるとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Measures to help employees to balance work and parenting are not, as the preceding analysis has demonstrated, limited to actions that can be taken only by enterprises with resources to spare, and it might be a good idea for enterprises to take such measures as a part of their business strategies, drawing on the analysis in this chapter and other sources, as a means of attracting and retaining high-caliber human resources.例文帳に追加

仕事と育児を両立させる取組は、ここまで分析してきたとおり、「ゆとりのある企業」だけが取り組めるようなものに限られないのである。 それぞれの企業において、優秀な人材の獲得・確保という目標と照らし合わせて、この章の分析なども参考に、経営戦略として取り組んでいくのも良策ではないだろうか。 - 経済産業省

proprietor of a new or original design,- where the author of the design, for good consideration, executes the work for some other person, means the person for whom the design is so executed; and where any person acquires the design or the right to apply the design to any article, either exclusively of any other person or otherwise, means, in the respect and to the extent in and to which the design or right has been so acquired, the person by whom the design or right is so required; and in any other case, means the author of the design; and where the property in, or the right to apply, the design has devolved from the original proprietor upon any other person, includes that other person. 例文帳に追加

新規又は独自の意匠専有権者とは、次に掲げる各号に定める者をいう。当該意匠の創作者が善良約因をもって他の者のためにその作品を創作する場合、当該意匠がその者のためにそのように創作される、その者をいう。当該意匠、又は当該意匠を任意の物品に応用する権利を、その他の者と排他的であると否とを問わず取得する場合、当該意匠又は権利がそのような態様で取得される限り、かつその範囲において、当該意匠又は権利をそのように求めた者をいう。その他の場合は、当該意匠の創作者をいう。また、当該意匠に係る権利、又は当該意匠の出願権が原専有権者から他の者に移転した場合は、その者を含む。 - 特許庁


proprietor of a new or original design”,- (i) where the author of the design, for good consideration, executes the work for some other person, means the person for whom the design is so executed; (ii) where any person acquires the design or the right to apply the design to any article, either exclusively of any other person or otherwise, means, in the respect and to the extent in and to which the design or right has been so acquired, the person by whom the design or right is so acquired; and (iii) in any other case, means the author of the design; and where the property in or the right to apply, the design has devolved from the original proprietor upon any other person, includes that other person.例文帳に追加

「新規性のある又は創作性のある意匠の所有者」とは,次に掲げる者を意味する。(i) 意匠の創作者が,適正な報酬を得て他人のために職務を遂行する場合は,当該意匠の遂行の受益者である当該他人 (ii) 何人かが他人から,排他的にか否かを問わず,意匠又は意匠を物品に適用する権利を取得する場合は,当該意匠又は当該権利についてそれを取得した範囲における当該意匠又は当該権利の取得者 (iii) その他の場合は,意匠の創作者。また,意匠権又は意匠適用権が原所有者から他人に譲渡されている場合は,当該他人を含む。 - 特許庁


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