
「gluteal」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 17


the outermost of the three gluteal muscles 例文帳に追加

3つの臀筋の最も外側のもの - 日本語WordNet

the middle of the three gluteal muscles 例文帳に追加

3つの臀筋の中央のもの - 日本語WordNet

the innermost of the three gluteal muscles 例文帳に追加

3つの臀筋の最も内側のもの - 日本語WordNet

branches of the internal iliac artery that supply the hip joint and gluteal region 例文帳に追加

股関節と臀部を満たす内部腸骨動脈の支流 - 日本語WordNet


veins draining the gluteal muscles on either side of the body 例文帳に追加

身体の両側の臀部の筋肉を流れる静脈 - 日本語WordNet


As a result, the body shape of a wearer is trimmed so that the length of the gluteal fold B in the lateral direction is reduced, and such loss of shape that the body cloth digs into the gluteal fold B is prevented.例文帳に追加

これにより、臀溝Bの左右方向の長さが短くなるように体型を補整し、臀溝Bに本体生地が食い込んでしまうような着崩れを防止する。 - 特許庁

To provide a pants-type disposable diaper which improves fit performance from a gluteal cleft to a crotch and has a crotch part which hardly gathers when worn.例文帳に追加

臀裂から股間にかけてのフィット性を改善し、装着時に股間部がモコモコし難い、パンツタイプ使い捨ておむつを提供する。 - 特許庁

To assure sufficient absorbability while simplifying a disposable paper diaper and to allow an absorber to be fitted along a curve line of a gluteal region.例文帳に追加

コンパクト化を図りながらも十分な吸収性を確保することができ、かつ臀部のカーブ線に沿って吸収体をフィットさせる。 - 特許庁

To provide a garment with a crotch part which is prevented from losing shape where body cloth digs into the gluteal fold, and which is improved in body shape-correcting function.例文帳に追加

臀溝に本体生地が食い込んでしまうような着崩れを防止し、体型補整機能の向上が図られた股付き衣類を提供すること。 - 特許庁


To provide an absorbent article in which adhesion to a body fluid outlet and the groove of a gluteal cleft part is improved and rear leakage is surely prevented.例文帳に追加

体液排出口及び臀裂部の溝に対する密着性を上げて、確実に後漏れを防止した吸収性物品を提供する。 - 特許庁


To provide a simple bedpan having a bedsore-preventing function for a diaper which enables the simple disposal of the excrements of a bedridden aged person wearing a diaper, to prevent the gluteal region from soring caused by adhering excrements, and to prevent the bedsore in the lumbar and gluteal region including the sacral region.例文帳に追加

おむつを付けたままで寝たきりの高齢者の排泄物の処理が簡単に出来、かつ、排泄物の付着による臀部のただれを防止出来ると共に、仙骨部を含めた腰臀部の褥瘡予防が可能なおむつ用褥瘡予防機能付簡易便器の提供。 - 特許庁

Since the thickness of the absorber in the gluteal cleft-facing region 25 is formed thinner than that in the blood-discharging orifice-facing region 23, a front medium height part 21 protruding on a skin contact surface side is provided to the blood-discharging orifice-facing region 23 but not formed in the gluteal cleft-facing region 25.例文帳に追加

臀部溝対応領域25の吸収体厚を排血口対応領域23の吸収体厚より薄く形成するため、排血口対応領域23に肌当接面側に隆起する前方中高部21を有し、臀部溝対応領域25には中高部を形成しない。 - 特許庁

The flesh in the easily-bulging area (A) is pressed toward the gluteal cleft side by the first tightening part 11, and the flesh in the easily-bulging area (A) is pressed upward by the second tightening part 21.例文帳に追加

第1緊締部11によって、張出容易領域Aの肉が臀裂側へ押圧され、第2緊締部21によって、張出容易領域Aの肉が上方へ押圧される。 - 特許庁

To raise the fitting performance in a hollow of the gluteal cleft, a hollow of the inner thigh, and a constriction of the back thigh, and improve the urine contamination prevention performance in the sacred bone part and the coccygeal bone part.例文帳に追加

臀列の窪み、内腿の窪み及び裏腿の括れに対するフィット性を高め仙骨部や尾骨部の尿汚染の防止性能を向上させる。 - 特許庁

An approximately elliptic hole 2 is formed in an appropriate depth in a gluteal sacral region of an elastic cushion member 1 so that the sacral region may fall into it, and a pad 3 made of a soft member is embedded in the hole 2 in such a way as to be freely detached.例文帳に追加

弾性を有するクッション部材の臀部仙骨部を、その仙骨部が落ち込むように概ね長円形の穴を適当な深さであけ、その部分に柔らかい部材でできたパッドを着脱自在に埋めておく。 - 特許庁

To provide a shorts-type disposable diaper, eliminating the need of separately preparing a wipe-off article, not only simplifying replacement work, but also keeping a dirty part out of the body surface, and facilitating wiping off a part requiring careful work such as groin, gluteal fold and periphery of genitals.例文帳に追加

拭き取り用品を別に準備する必要がなくなり、交換作業が簡易になるだけでなく、拭き取り時に汚れた部分が身体表面に接触し難く、また鼠蹊部や臀溝、性器周りのように細かな作業を要する部分の拭き取りも容易となる、パンツタイプ使い捨ておむつを提供する。 - 特許庁


When the body part 2 is dislocated in the lateral direction together with the underwear with the sanitary napkin 1 attached to the underwear, the intermediate part of the swelling part 3 can be separated from the body part 2, and the close adhesion of the swelling part 3 to the gluteal cleft, etc. can be retained.例文帳に追加

生理用ナプキン1を装着した状態で、下着のずれと共に本体部2が横方向へ位置ずれすると、隆起部3の中間部が本体部2から分離でき、隆起部3が臀裂部内などに密着した状態を維持できるようになる。 - 特許庁


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WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
こんにちは ゲスト さん





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こんにちは ゲスト さん






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