文法情報 | (名詞、サ変名詞、他動詞、形容詞相当語句/ノ形容詞) |
対訳 | recollecting; reminiscing; looking back; retrospection; review |
読み方 かいこ
Retrospection; a retrospect; a review:(=する) to retrospect; to review (the past); to look back upon (the past); to run back over (the past); to run back in the memory
読み方 かいこ
Regret for the past:(=する) to regret the past; to look back to the past
読み方 かいこ
Discharge; dismissal:(=する) to discharge, dismiss (an employee from one's service); to dispense with one's services; to give (one) the bag; to give (one) the sack; to give (one) the canvas; to give (one) the boot; to give (one) one's congé; to turn off (a servant)