
英訳・英語 complex conjugate
該当件数 : 9件
複素数 c の共役複素数例文帳に追加
conjugate of the complex number c発音を聞く - Python
The pole and zero point of transfer function of the filter circuit are set to a pair of conjugate complex numbers during the stop of the rotor and set to a pair of non-conjugate complex numbers during the rotation. - 特許庁
A multiplying part 25 multiplies the conjugate complex number of the data sample by the data sample from the IQ demodulating part. - 特許庁
In order to obtain a mathematic complex number, a pseudo noise code QPSK (quadrature phase shift keeping) modulated signal is related with rotated one of a conjugate pseudo noise code. - 特許庁
The delay time dk, in which the impulse response value ck expressed by a complex number localizes is estimated by using two kinds of load g, g* having the relation of a complex conjugate mutually, and an echo is removed by using the delay time dk, or the like. - 特許庁
The conjugation signal multiplier 52 multiplies the original signal (input signal) which is indicated as a pair of signals of a real number signal line RL1 and an imaginary signal line IL1 by a conjunction complex number of the third order distortion signal produced by the conjugation signal producing unit 51, then outputs to an integrating circuit 53 for determination. - 特許庁
This analyzer includes a mixer 3 for mixing a conjugate complex input signal v* (t) to a base band signal x (t), and the resolution filter 4 for filtering an output signal of the mixer 3. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「共役複素数」に類似した例文 |
a coefficient of a polynominal expression in mathematics
the part of a complex number that has the square root of -1 as a factor
in mathematics, to expand the product of a polynomial expression into the figure of a sum
resolve (a polynomial) into factors
in mathematics, a logarithm that has the irrational number e as a base
natural logarithms―Napierian logarithms
該当件数 : 9件
Further a result of reading by the input spectral reading part 18 and a conjugate complex number of the frequency spectral of the reference signal are operated by the mixer 20 to acquire the frequency error on the basis of the operation. - 特許庁
As a preferred embodiment, the received signal and a signal that is a delayed complex conjugate of the received signal are combined and the real component of the combined signal is removed so that the power of a communication signal component is determined. - 特許庁
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