意味 | 例文 (12件) |

該当件数 : 12件
To provide a control device of an operation member of an automobile and a control method of the operation member of the automobile, capable of performing the sure and reliable control of the operation member of the automobile, even in the latter period driving of an internal combustion engine. - 特許庁
In this method for restarting the internal combustion engine 1 for, in particular, an automobile when starting a current operation period after the internal combustion engine 1 stops upon completion of preceding operation period, the internal combustion engine 1 is operated by intake pipe injection. - 特許庁
To provide an exhaust gas purifying catalyst capable of purifying exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine of an automobile etc., that shows an excellent exhaust gas purification performance even after an endurance test. - 特許庁
To improve an operation method or a device for an internal combustion engine for an automobile having an automatic transmission for detecting backward rolling when an advance travel stage is inputted. - 特許庁
This power output device comprises an internal combustion engine that drives at least either front wheels and rear wheels and is installed to an automobile that can mutually switch the two-wheel drive and the four-wheel drive. - 特許庁
In the operating method for the automobile electrical equipment (10) driven by the internal combustion engine in which fuel supply is interrupted for stopping the internal combustion engine (1), the electrical equipment (10) is short-circuited at least temporarily in an output side after interruption of the fuel supply and during the stopping process of the internal combustion engine. - 特許庁
In the method, the internal combustion engine (2) is forcibly started for the purpose of regenerating the filter device (6) immediately after a refueling operation in order to further improve characteristics of a fuel vapor retention system of the automobile during operation. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 12件
To provide a hybrid electric vehicle, wherein a swift start is made by the combination of a fuel cell and an internal combustion engine, and the vehicle is driven by the environmentally-friendly fuel cell, after the startup of the fuel cell. - 特許庁
To clean the exhaust gas discharged from an internal combustion engine of a car or the like as perfectly as possible and to reduce the content of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon or fine carbon particles especially in exhaust gas that has passed through a dry catalyst device to the utmost. - 特許庁
To provide a heat storage material composition developing promoted supercooling phenomenon by lowering a crystallization temperature, and free from trouble of unintentional crystallization (coagulation) in use without setting a heat-retention temperature to a high level after storing heat by using waste heat of an internal combustion engine of automobile or a boiler as a heat source. - 特許庁
During stop stage of the internal combustion engine, a system pressure in the automatic transmission is held to a sufficiently low level so as to load a clutch element and a brake element of the automatic transmission in prescribed positions and/or to hold them in the prescribed positions necessary for starting the automobile after at least, approximate stop stage. - 特許庁
2 資金管理法人は、前項の規定により特定再資源化預託金等をその資金管理業務の実施に要する費用に充て、又は指定再資源化機関若しくは情報管理センターに対し出えんした後において、なお主務省令で定める額を超える額の特定再資源化預託金等があるときは、資金管理法人が定める期間(次項において「特定期間」という。)に限り、自動車の所有者が第七十三条第一項又は第三項の規定により預託すべき再資源化等預託金の一部を負担することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) A Deposit Management Entity may assume a portion of the Recycling, etc. deposit to be deposited by the owner of the Vehicle pursuant to the provisions of Article 73, Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 3 during the time period specified by the Deposit Management Entity (referred to as the "Specified Time Period" in the next paragraph) if there is a Specified Recycling Deposit, etc. exceeding the amount specified by ordinance of the competent minister after the Deposit Management Entity allocates the Specified Recycling Deposit, etc. as expenses required for implementation of its Deposit Management Business pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph or as a contribution to a Designated Recycling Organization or an Information Management Entity.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
意味 | 例文 (12件) |
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