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該当件数 : 18件
Obviously, capital account liberalization has made it more difficult to collect data on capital transactions. - 財務省
However, in light of China’s accession to the WTO and subsequent decision to promote liberalization in trade and investment (direct investment) as well as the need to reduce the cost of capital transaction management, it is believed that China will need to liberalize its capital transactions in the future. - 経済産業省
The expansion in international use of the renminbi is not an easy task, as it relates to such issues as greater exchange rate flexibility and liberalization of interest rates and financial products in domestic financial markets, although the Chinese authorities are gradually implementing the liberalization of the capital account following on from the liberalization of the current account.発音を聞く - 財務省
To further liberalize cross-border capital markets, we agreed to explore within the G7 free trade in securities based on mutual recognition of regulatory regimes.発音を聞く - 財務省
③ 最終的には「3極通貨体制」という国際通貨システムの変革も視野に入れつつ、円がドルと並ぶようなグローバルな通貨となること 第1の点に関してこれまでの取組みを振り返ると、1960年に円を貿易取引に使うことを可能にする自由円勘定を導入したことを端緒に、経常取引の自由化(1964年 IMF8条国に移行)、資本取引の原則自由化(1980年外為管理法改正)という過程を経て、1998年の資本取引の完全自由化実施をもって、円の交換性に関する制度的な手当ては完結していると言える。例文帳に追加
(iii) Making the yen a global currency on par with the dollar, with an ultimate vision to transform the international monetary system to a "tripolar currency system." Looking back on efforts on the first objective, the adoption of free yen accounts that allowed the yen to be used in trade in 1960 marked their beginning, followed by the liberalization of current transactions (to be an IMF Article VIII country in 1964) and liberalization of capital transactions (1980 revision of the Foreign Exchange Control Law). Institutional reforms to secure the yen's convertibility were finalized by complete liberalization of capital transactions in1998.発音を聞く - 財務省
Likewise, when promoting financial liberalization and deregulation of external capital transactions, the sequence and the speed of implementation must fully reflect the state of their financial regulatory framework.発音を聞く - 財務省
金融面においては、1970 年前後から、外国金融機関への税法上の優遇、資本・為替取引の自由化等といったインセンティブを与えることにより、外国為替市場やオフショア市場を発展させてきた。例文帳に追加
From the financial aspect, Singapore provided incentives starting about 1970, such as favorable tax treatment for foreign financial institutions, deregulation of capital and currency transactions, etc., thereby developing its foreign currency market and offshore market. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 18件
Key issues in this regard will be (1) securing the free movement of goods,services and people through the liberalization of goods and services trade and the expansion of personal exchange; (2) facilitating economic activities in the region through the development of common investment rules and systemic harmonization and transparency; and (3) securing stable and sustainable development through the stabilization of finance and exchange and liberalization of capital transactions. - 経済産業省
To sum it up, we can say that policies for promoting "internationalization of the yen" should be the flip side of policies for vitalizing Japanese financial and capital markets, and that such policies should aim at consequential expansion of the international use of the yen reflecting free selection by parties involved.発音を聞く - 財務省
This reform implemented financial liberalization, such as deregulation of securities trading commissions, elimination of the single qualification system (removal of restrictions on the same business acting as both a jobber trading on its own account, and as a broker intermediary for customer orders), and elimination of restrictions on investments through external capital in stock exchange members. - 経済産業省
What is the potential of the synthetic currency SDR?発音を聞く - 財務省
At any rate, it can be said that the adjustment of the Chinese yuan to actual economic realities will be (i) desirable for China as it is expected to progress with liberalization of financial transactions; and (ii) desirable for other countries, including Japan, in promoting an appropriate international division of labor with China. - 経済産業省
In the future it can be said that the adjustment of the Chinese yuan to actual economic realities will be (i) desirable for China as it is expected to progress with liberalization of financial transactions; and (ii) desirable for other countries, including Japan, in promoting an appropriate international division of labor with China. - 経済産業省
具体的には、2015 年までに域内での関税が撤廃される他、サービスや投資、資本や人の移動も自由化され、競争政策や消費者保護、知的所有権や税制、電子商取引といった分野でも制度の調和が進められることとなる予定である。例文帳に追加
In particular, according to the plan, tariffs within the region will be removed by 2015, services, investment, and movements of capital and people will be liberalized, and harmonization of systems will be promoted in such areas such competition policies, consumer protection, intellectual property rights, taxation system and electric commerce. - 経済産業省
このためMAI は成立しなかったが、OECD では早期から投資に係る国際取り決めに取り組んでおり、1961年に成立した資本移動自由化規約(Code of Liberalizationof Capital Movements)では幅広い投資形態を対象とし、特定の留保以外は原則取引を自由化することが定められたが、紛争処理規定がないため強制力の弱いものとなっている。例文帳に追加
Thus, the negotiation on the MAI was not concluded. However, ever since its early days, the OECD has been tackling the issue of international arrangements regarding investment. Although the Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements enacted in 1961 covers a wide range of investment types and provides for the liberalization of transactions except in certain cases, its enforceability is weak as it lacks dispute settlement provisions. - 経済産業省
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