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該当件数 : 13件
投下資本の 回収率を考えますと例文帳に追加
But considering the recovery rate of the invested capital... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
the circulating capital that is used to purchase materials and goods, and to pay for personal expenses that are deposited and withdrawn over short periods発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
To provide a content distribution system suitable for improving circulation of content and forming a structure for a payback. - 特許庁
While the injection of public funds based on the Act concerning Emergency Measures for Early Strengthening of Financial Functions has cost the most, 80% to 90% of the injected funds has so far been recovered, with substantial capital gains generated as a result.発音を聞く - 金融庁
As the injection of public funds is made for that purpose, it means that the authorities use taxpayers' funds for risk-involving investments, so it is natural to take care in various ways to properly recover those funds.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Since SMEs have limited access to management resources—such as capital, technology, and human resources—compared to large companies, they face unique challenges, such as: (1) difficulties in procuring good-quality equipment and raw materials locally; (2) difficulties in securing capable human resources; (3) technology drain; and (4) problems with the collection of accounts receivable. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 13件
・ 資本勘定に算入される税効果相当額(=繰延税金資産見合い額)は、「繰延税金資産の回収可能性の判断に関する監査上の取扱い」(日本公認会計士協会監査委員会報告第66号)等、税効果会計に関する会計基準・実務指針の趣旨を踏まえ適正に計上されているか。例文帳に追加
- Is the amount of the tax effect equivalent (amount commensurate with deferred tax assets) included in the capital account amount tax effect equivalent (amount commensurate to deferred tax assets posted appropriately in light of the purposes of "Audit Treatment of Judgments with Regard to Recoverability of Deferred Tax Assets" (Report No. 66, the audit committee of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and other standards and operational guidelines concerning the tax effect accounting?発音を聞く - 金融庁
In contrast, in the investment area, since investors are generally seeking to limit the damages to their business by prompt collection of invested funds rather than a fundamental resolution of the issues in dispute, “investor-to-state” dispute settlement that provides pecuniary compensation or restitution for dispute resolution is responsive to the real needs of investors. - 経済産業省
(ⅱ)官民共同で(株)民間資金等活用事業推進機構を設立し、民間事業者が利用料金で資金回収を行い社会資本を整備するPFI 事業にリスクマネーを供給する。これを呼び水とし、これまでは、民間事業者が需要変動リスクを負うため実績が極めて少なかった利用料金徴収を伴う独立採算型PFI 事業等を大きく伸ばす。【今国会において法案成立】例文帳に追加
(ii) Establish the Agency for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative through a public-private joint initiative. Private operators recover funds through user fee and supply risk money to PFI programs which establish social infrastructure. This encourages significant expansion of self-supporting PFI programs, etc. that collect user fees, in which, until now, private operators had very little involvement due to the risk of demand fluctuation.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
As long as this is kept to a problem of individual banks, the impact on the real economy is minor. But if there is a shortage of equity capital across the whole banking sector, then financial institutions will frequently tighten their lending standards, be reluctant to lend, and recover loans; and concerns of a credit crunch will grow. - 経済産業省
・ 資本勘定に算入される税効果相当額(=繰延税金資産見合い額)は、「繰延税金資産の回収可能性の判断に関する監査上の取扱い」(日本公認会計士協会監査委員会報告第66号)等、税効果会計に関する会計基準・実務指針の趣旨を踏まえ適正に計上されているか。なお、繰延税金資産の基本的項目への算入については、告示第5条第7項、第17条第8項、第28条第6項及び第40条第7項に留意する。例文帳に追加
- Is the amount of the tax effect equivalent (amount commensurate with deferred tax assets) included in the capital account amount tax effect equivalent (amount commensurate to deferred tax assets posted appropriately in light of the purposes of "Audit Treatment of Judgments with Regard to Recoverability of Deferred Tax Assets" (Report No. 66, the audit committee of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and other standards and operational guidelines concerning the tax effect accounting? With regard to the inclusion of deferred tax assets in Tier 1 capital, attention should be paid to Paragraph 7, Article 5, Paragraph 8, Article 17, Paragraph 3, Article 28, and Paragraph 3, Article 40 of the Notification. - 金融庁
However, of course, there is a possibility that the use of public funds could impose a burden on taxpayers, so we may say that this is a framework for risk-taking by taxpayers. In this sense, the application of the existing act was naturally conditioned on the viability of the collection of injected public funds. Generally speaking, when we design a framework for capital injection, the need to avoid creating a framework that may foster moral hazard is one of the matters we must consider.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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