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1 時限の英語

英訳・英語 For one year only;Limited to one year
「1 時限」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 35件
それは全校生徒が 1時限目の前に10分間例文帳に追加
All of the students sew earnestly for 10 minutes before the first period. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
しかし2010 年に入ると反動減が生じ(第1-2-2-26 図)、初回購入者向けの優遇措置が時限措置として導入された。例文帳に追加
The figure dropped again owing to the reverse effect in 2010 (see Figure 1-2-2-26), and the government temporarily introduced preferential treatment for first-time buyers. - 経済産業省
The IC card 1 is provided with a time-limiting means 8 which is actuated once put away from the electronic wallet 2 and a control means 6 which invalidates the IC card 1 when the time limited by the time-limiting means 8 is exceeded. - 特許庁
When issuing of a time limit password is requested from a user terminal 1 to an authentication server 10, the authentication server 10 generates the time limit password using a cipher Hash function from a server password, a user ID and time information (e.g., for the unit of a minute) and transmits it to the user terminal 1. - 特許庁
A period setup counter 12 repeats the time-limiting of stepping-time equivalent to plural cycles of the voltage wave of a commercial AC power source 1 and sets prescribed capture periods respectively before and after the time-limiting end time of the stepping-time. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
「1 時限」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 35件
An on-delay timer 11 is set to a time T2 slightly longer than a checking period T1, preliminarily set in the automatic checking circuit 1. - 特許庁
中小法人に係る法人税の軽減税率(年所得800 万円以下の部分に適用)について、2012 年4 月1 日から2015 年3月31日までの時限的措置として18%から15%に引き下げる。例文帳に追加
The reduced rate of corporation tax payable by small and medium corporations (applicable to up to ¥8 million of annual income) will be lowered from 18% to 15% as a temporary measure from April 1, 2012, to March 31, 2015.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
When the password resetting request is received, the authentication server 10 re-generates a time limit password using a cipher Hash function from the user ID, the present time and the server password, re-generates time limit passwords using time information retroactive from the present time minute by minute, and checks presence/absence of a time limit password matching the time limit password transmitted form the user terminal 1. - 特許庁
A time key generation unit 28 generates a time key (master encryption key) used for reproducing the scramble keys by applying at least one-time unidirectional inverse substitution h_1^-1 to any of the plurality of scramble keys generated by the scramble key generation unit 26. - 特許庁
A vending machine 1 has a wireless LAN base function and an Internet connection function through a specific provider and sells an "Internet connection service" to an arbitrary user in a timed manner. - 特許庁
A valve cylinder 2 containing an improved slide valve 5 located adjacent to the drive cylinder 1 provides for timed sealing of intake ports 13, 17 and exhaust ports 14, 16 during operation. - 特許庁
The EGF program provides one-time-only and time-limited aid to those workers who have lost their jobs due to temporary dismissal as a result of international trade (see Table 2-4-23). - 経済産業省
When timing comes, a voltage across the timing capacitor C1 makes an output of a comparator 21-1 H state, a transistor Q3 turns on, the integrating capacitor C0 discharges, and the output transistor Q0 turns off. - 特許庁
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