意味 | 例文 (7件) |
guarantee of employmentとは 意味・読み方・使い方

「guarantee of employment」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 7件
(i) Guarantee of income that forms the economic base for an independent life (such as employment measures, employment insurance, pension, public assistance system)例文帳に追加
① 「自立した生活の経済的基盤となる所得の保障」(雇用政策、雇用保険や年金保険、生活保護制 度等) - 厚生労働省
Therefore, the challenge in the policy against poverty should include building new social safety nets which can guarantee a minimum level of living, or the national minimum, through not only welfare programs but also a broad range of social security and employment programs. These should also include pensions, minimum wages, employment insurance, medical insurance, and housing allowances.例文帳に追加
このため、貧困対策においては、生活保護のみならず、年金、最低賃金、雇用保険、医療保険、住宅手当等の幅広い社会保障・雇用施策によって最低限の生活(ナショナルミニマム)を確保できる新たなセーフティネットの構築が課題とされているところです。 - 厚生労働省
In the fiscal year 2009 budget, 20.5 billion Singapore Dollar of “recovery package” was allocated to provide employment guarantee which subsidizes 12% of monthly salary to employers, job training, business support such as the reduction of corporate tax and household support through the redemption of commodity tax and service tax.例文帳に追加
2009 年度予算に「回復パッケージ」として雇用保護(雇用主に対し月給の12%を現金給付)、職業訓練、企業支援(法人税率の引き下げ等)、家計支援(物品・サービス税還付等)等を盛り込んだ(205 億シンガポールドル)。 - 経済産業省
The “Employment Permit System” allows unskilled workers to be accepted based on the memoranda signed with eight countries132 that will send workers; the principles of this system are as follows (1) to complement the domestic labor market, (2) to guarantee the rights of workers, and (3) to prevent the long-term stay of foreign workers133.例文帳に追加
「雇用許可制度」とは、派遣国8か国132との覚書に基づき単純労働の受入れを実現するもので、①国内労働市場との補完性、②労働者の権利保障、③定住化防止、の3つを原則としている。 - 経済産業省
(iii) Guarantee of benefits and services to support development of the next generation as members of a sustainable society (benefits and services that help balance the employment of parents and sound growth of children, benefits and services that support the sound growth of every child and childcare in every family with children)例文帳に追加
③ 「持続可能な社会の担い手となる次世代の育成を支える給付・サービスの保障」(親の就労と子 どもの健やかな育成の両立を支援する給付やサービス、すべての子どもの健やかな育成と子どもを 持つすべての家庭の子育てを支援する給付やサービス) - 厚生労働省
"Mutual assistance" (social insurance systems such as pensions, health insurance, long-term care insurance, and employment insurance) refers to guaranteeing a life with peace of mind by coping with risks that cannot be managed only by personal responsibility or self supporting efforts through mutual cooperation and mutual support of people. "Public assistance" (public aid [livelihood protection] and social welfare) provides a necessary guarantee of livelihood for people in a situation that cannot be solved by self-help or mutual assistance.例文帳に追加
個人の責任や自助努力のみでは対応できないリスクに対して、国民が相互に連帯して支え合うこと によって安心した生活を保障することが「共助」(年金、医療保険、介護保険、雇用保険などの社会 保険制度)であり、さらに、自助や共助によっても対応できない状況に対し、必要な生活保障を行う のが「公助」(公的扶助(生活保護)や社会福祉など)である。 - 厚生労働省
(2) The Subcontracting Receivables Protection Support Program was implemented to assist the protection of receivables held by building subcontractors and similar enterprises. The main purpose of this program is to stabilize management and employment at building subcontractors and materials suppliers and to prevent chain bankruptcies. This is achieved as follows: (1) when a receivable payable to a building subcontractor by a main building contractor for subcontracted building work is guaranteed by a factoring company, the guarantee fee payable by the building subcontractor is reduced, and (2) claims arising against factoring companies are guaranteed to ensure performance of guarantee obligations in the event that a guaranteed receivable cannot be recovered.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
(2) 下請建設企業又は資材業者の経営及び雇用の安定、連鎖倒産の防止等を図るため、下請建設企業等が元請建設企業に対して有する工事請負代金債権等に係る債権の支払をファクタリング会社が保証する場合に、下請建設企業等の保証料負担を軽減するとともに、保証された債権の回収が困難となった際の保証債務の履行のため、ファクタリング会社に発生する債権を保証することにより、下請建設企業等の有する債権の保全を促進する下請債権保全支援事業を実施した。 - 経済産業省
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