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Wiktionary英語版での「put up ones dukes」の意味 |
put up ones dukes
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/22 12:07 UTC 版)
Several theories exist. One is by analogy to a king or other ruler summoning his dukes, and by extension the duke's knights or other soldiers, to battle an enemy. Another is by Cockney rhyming slang (see duke).
- (idiomatic, colloquial) An invitation to, or the acceptance or encouragement of, a fistfight, where the "dukes" are the fists of one of the fighters and "put up" means to raise the fists.
- 1886 Edward Money, The truth about America[1], page 206:
- The proceedings of the State Democratic Convention, held at Turner Hall, yesterday, were disgraceful enough to bring a blush even to the cheek of a Democrat. "Liar," "snide," "put up your dukes, if you want to fight," catcalls, hooting, and yelling filled up a greater part of the deliberations of the august body.
- 1886 Edward Money, The truth about America[1], page 206:
- (idiomatic, colloquial) An invitation to, or the acceptance or encouragement of, a verbal or written argument, or a contest including a sporting competition.
put up one's dukes
Possibly by analogy to a king or other ruler summoning his dukes, and by extension the duke's knights or other soldiers, to battle an enemy. Another possibility is Cockney rhyming slang as explained at duke. It could also be a convoluted--though erroneous--reference to the 9th Marquess of Queensbury (after whom the rules for modern boxing were initially named).
put up one's dukes (三人称単数 現在形 puts up one's dukes, 現在分詞 putting up one's dukes, 過去形および過去分詞形 put up one's dukes)
- (idiomatic) To raise one's clenched fists in front of one's body and stand in a threatening or defiant manner, in preparation for a fistfight.
- 1886, Edward Money, The Truth about America[1], page 206:
- The proceedings of the State Democratic Convention, held at Turner Hall, yesterday, were disgraceful enough to bring a blush even to the cheek of a Democrat. "Liar," "snide," "put up your dukes, if you want to fight," catcalls, hooting, and yelling filled up a greater part of the deliberations of the august body.
- (idiomatic, by extension) To take firm action or to show oneself to be committed to such action, as when competing in a sporting event or other contest.
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