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Recent major examples of FTAs/EPAs or investment treaties entered into between third party countries are also introduced where appropriate. - 経済産業省

- 我が国が締結したEPA・BITに加え、NAFTA等、第三国の主な協定について、規律内容を紹介・比較。例文帳に追加

- The report not only describes EPAs and BITs Japan has concluded but also refers to agreements concluded by other countries, including NAFTA, and explains and analyses their rules. - 経済産業省

FTA/EPA の成立は、協定を結んだ国家・地域に特恵的な貿易条件を定めることになるため、それによって差別を受ける非締約国(第三国)に対し、それらFTA/EPA 締結国とFTA/EPA を締結するインセンティブをもたらす。例文帳に追加

The FTA/EPA stipulate preferred trade conditions between countries/regions and it discriminates against the non-contracting countries (the third countries). It provides incentive to non-contracting countries to contract FTA/EPA with the contracted countries. - 経済産業省

(a)オーストラリア、日本国又はオーストラリアとので社会保障に関する協定(給付の申請の提出、評価及び決定における協力に関する規定を含むものに限る。)を締結している第三国の居住者であるこ と。例文帳に追加

(a) is an Australian resident or a resident of Japan or a third State with which Australia has concluded an agreement on social security that includes provision for cooperation in the lodgement, assessment and determination of claims for benefits; and - 厚生労働省



except in relation to the application of Articles 6 to 13 of this Agreement (including the application of other Articles of this Agreement as they affect the application of those Articles) where it means the law specified in subparagraph 1(b) of Article 2, however, the treaties or other international agreements on social security concluded between Australia and a third state shall not be included; - 厚生労働省



Taking the above into consideration, Korea requested bilateral consultations with Japan on March 14, 2006 under the WTO dispute settlement procedures, saying approval of subsidies in Japan's countervailing duty investigations were a violation of the ASCM. The consultations took place on April 25, 2006 in Geneva with third party attendance by the US and the EU. - 経済産業省


In the case of the WTO, which has multiple member countries, MFN treatment is a principle under which a Party must “accord all other Members treatment no less favorable than that it accords to any countrywhile, in contrast, in the case of a BIT it is toaccord investors of the other Party and to their investments treatment no less favorable than that it accords to investors of any non-Party and to their investments with respect to investment activities”. - 経済産業省

2 ハンガリーについては、次の事項に関する法律及び規則について適用する 。保険に係る義務並びに社会保険の給付及び失業した場合に支払われる給付に充てる保険料の納付(a)社会保険の年金給付(b)ただし、この2に規定する法律及び規則には、ハンガリーと第三国とので現在締結されており、若し6くは将来締結されることのある社会保障に関する協定その他の国際約束又はその個別の実施のために制定された法律及び規則を含めない 。例文帳に追加

And 2 .as regards Hungary, to the laws and regulationsconcerning:(a) the insurance obligation and the payment ofcontribution covering social insurance benefitsand benefits paid in case of unemployment ; and5(b) the social insurance pension benefits ;however, the laws and regulations specified in thisparagraph shall not include treaties or otherinternational agreements on social security concludedor which may be concluded between Hungary and a thirdstate, or laws and regulations promulgated for theirspecific implementation . - 厚生労働省


なお、NAFTA 第1105条第1項は、「国際法に従って」公正衡平待遇を与える義務を規定しているが、Pope and Talbot 事件で、NAFTAが北米三国により一層強固な経済関係を築く目的で締結されたものであることなどから一般国際法上の義務のみでなく、これに付加的なものであるとの判断が下されたこと、また、S.D.Myers事件ではNAFTA 上のこの他の規定に違反している場合、必然的に一般待遇義務にも違反するとの判断が下されたことから、米国を中心にこの規定の解釈について批判の声があがり、これを受ける形で2001年8 月1 日にNAFTA 自由貿易委員会(NAFTA FreeTrade Commission)は、公正衡平待遇義務は慣習国際法上の最低基準を付与するものであり、それ以上の待遇を求めるものではないこと、NAFTA 上又は他の国際協定の公正衡平待遇義務以外の義務違反があったことによって、公正衡平待遇義務違反があったこととはならないことを確認する覚書(Notes of Interpretationof Certain Chapter 11Provisions)を公表し、この義務の範囲に制限をかけた。例文帳に追加

Article 1105, paragraph 1 of NAFTA provides an obligation to accord fair and equitable treatmentin accordance with international law.” However, in the Pope and Talbot case it was held that because NAFTA was entered into for the purpose of building a closer economic relationship between the three countries of North America, there is not only an obligation to provide treatment consistent with the minimum standard under international law, but also obligations in addition to such minimum standard. In addition, in the S.D. Myers case it was held that a breach of other provisions under NAFTA automatically establishes a breach of general treatment obligations. Criticisms regarding the interpretation of this provision were raised mainly in the U.S. With a view to posing limitations on the expansive reading of this obligation, the NAFTA Free Trade Commission, in response to such criticisms, publishedNotes of Interpretation of Certain Chapter 11 Provisionson August 1, 2001 confirming that general treatment obligations do not exceed that which is required by the customary international law minimum standard for treatment of aliens, and a breach of another provision of NAFTA, or of a separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of the general treatment obligations. - 経済産業省


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