該当件数 : 18件
a weir used to catch fish swimming downstream, called 'kudari yana' 例文帳に追加
下り鮎を獲る,下り梁という仕掛け - EDR日英対訳辞書
Ishikawa Kasumi, the 99th-ranked player in the world, played against 10th-ranked Tie Yana of Hong Kong. 例文帳に追加
世界ランク99位の石川佳(か)純(すみ)選手が,ランク10位のティエ・ヤナ選手(香港)と対戦した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
After losing the first three games, Ishikawa was losing ground to Tie Yana 9-3 in the fourth game. 例文帳に追加
最初の3ゲームを落とした後,石川選手は第4ゲームで3-9とティエ・ヤナ選手に押されていた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
His father was Itsuki FUJINO, the leader of the 'Ishin Kinno Yamagunitai' militia, and his mother was Yanakichi TAKEMOTO (Yana MAKINO), who was a female gidayu (chanted narrative in Japanese plays) reciter. 例文帳に追加
父は、明治維新時の民兵組織「維新勤皇山国隊」の隊長だった藤野齋、母は女義太夫師の竹本弥奈吉(牧野やな)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The word Maha (great) yana (vehicle) first appeared in the "Hannya-kyo Sutra" (Prajna Sutra), and it is thought that the religious community that compiled and defended the "Hannya-kyo Sutra" was central to the beginning of the Mahayana Buddhism movement in general. 例文帳に追加
大乗(Mahā〈偉大な〉yāna〈乗り物〉)という語は、『般若経』で初めて見られ、一般に大乗仏教運動は『般若経』を編纂護持する教団が中心となって興起したものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After the conquest and siege of Odawara in 1590, his koku was increased to 152,000 in four districts in Mikawa province--Hoi, Yana, Atsumi, and Shitara (Higashimikawa) in the Mikawa Province--and he became the lord of Yoshida-jo Castle (in present Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture). 例文帳に追加
小田原征伐後の天正18年(1590年)には、三河国の内、宝飯郡・八名郡・渥美郡・設楽郡4郡(東三河)において15万2000石に加増され、吉田(現・愛知県豊橋市)城主となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the second match, Kanazawa Saki won the first two games against Tie Yana, but then Tie fought back and eventually won the match. 例文帳に追加
第2試合では,金沢咲(さ)希(き)選手が帖(ティエ・)雅(ヤ)娜(ナ)選手に対し2ゲーム先取したが,帖選手が反撃し,最終的にその試合に勝利した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Ukai has an old history; in the section on Emperor Jinmu in "Nihonshoki," there is a description about the division of Ukai, 'there was a man who caught fish by making yana (a fish trap), and the Emperor asked him about it. He answered that he was a child of Nihemotsu (Hoshotan), who was the founder of the division of cormorant farming in Ada,' and in "Kojiki" there are also songs and ballads on Ukai. 例文帳に追加
鵜飼いの歴史は古く、『日本書紀』神武天皇の条に「梁を作つて魚を取る者有り、天皇これを問ふ。対へて曰く、臣はこれ苞苴擔の子と、此れ即ち阿太の養鵜部の始祖なり」と、鵜養部のことが見え、『古事記』にも鵜養のことを歌った歌謡が載っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To the head of Ko, '(unidentified) KOSHI NO KIMI,' the following persons were recorded: Two considered to be sons named 'Negira KOSHI NO KIMI' (age unknown) and 'Akimaro KOSHI NO KIMI' (seitei [age classification referring to a man from 21 to 60 years old]), and four women considered to be a wife, a mother, or father's wife named 'Koyame (unidentified) KIMI' (teijo [age classification referring to a woman from 21 to 60 years old:), 'Tsubuiratsume OHASSEBE' (52 years old, teijo), 'Tojime KUWABARA' (68 years old, old woman) and 'Yana something (unidentified) HATA' (age unknown). 例文帳に追加
戸主「高志公■」に対し、男子とみられる「高志公祢宜良」(年齢不明)、「高志公秋麻呂」(正丁)の2名、妻か母または父の妻とみられる女性「■公広野売」(丁女)、「小長谷部都夫郎売」(52歳、丁女)、「桑原刀自売」(68歳、老女)、「秦弥奈■」(年齢不明)の4名の記載がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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