



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 英和対訳 > 会社消滅数の英語・英訳 






英訳・英語 the number of retirements [retiring companies]





該当件数 : 36


イ 吸収合併消滅株式会社若しくは株式交換完全子会社の株主、吸収合併消滅持分会社の社員又は吸収分割会社(以下この号において「消滅会社等の株主等」という。)に対して交付する存続株式会社等の株式のに一株当たり純資産額を乗じて得た額例文帳に追加

(a) the amount obtained by multiplying the number of shares of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Absorbed in Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company in Share Exchange, to partners of the Membership Company Absorbed in Absorption-type Merger or to the Splitting Company in Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as "Shareholders, etc. of the Absorbed Company, etc." in this item) by the amount of net assets per share;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八百条 第百三十五条第一項の規定にかかわらず、吸収合併消滅株式会社若しくは株式交換完全子会社の株主、吸収合併消滅持分会社の社員又は吸収分割会社(以下この項において「消滅会社等の株主等」という。)に対して交付する金銭等の全部又は一部が存続株式会社等の親会社株式(同条第一項に規定する親会社株式をいう。以下この条において同じ。)である場合には、当該存続株式会社等は、吸収合併等に際して消滅会社等の株主等に対して交付する当該親会社株式の総を超えない範囲において当該親会社株式を取得することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 800 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 135(1), in cases where all or part of the Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Absorbed in Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company in Share Exchange, to partners of the Membership Company Absorbed in Absorption-type Merger or to the Splitting Company in Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as "Shareholders, etc. of the Absorbed Company, etc." in this paragraph) are the Parent Company's Shares (meaning the Parent Company's Shares prescribed in paragraph (1) of that Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of the Surviving Stock Company, etc., the Surviving Stock Company, etc. may acquire such Parent Company's Shares in a number not exceeding the total number of such Parent Company's Shares to be delivered to the Shareholders, etc. of the Absorbed Company, etc. at the time of the Absorption-type Merger, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 新設合併設立株式会社が新設合併に際して新設合併消滅株式会社の株主に対して交付するその株式に代わる当該新設合併設立株式会社の株式の(種類株式発行会社にあっては、株式の種類及び種類ごとの)又はそのの算定方法例文帳に追加

(vi) The number of the Formed Stock Company's shares (or, in a company with class shares, the classes of share and the number of shares by class) to be granted by the company in carrying out the merger to the shareholders of the Consolidated Stock Company in lieu of the latter company's shares, or the method of calculating such number;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

七 新設合併設立株式会社が新設合併に際して新設合併消滅相互会社の社員に対して交付する当該新設合併設立株式会社の株式の(種類株式発行会社にあっては、株式の種類及び種類ごとの)又はそのの算定方法例文帳に追加

(vii) The number of the Formed Stock Company's shares (or, in a company with class shares, the classes of shares and the number of shares by class) to be granted by the company in carrying out the merger to the members of the consolidated mutual company;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 吸収合併消滅相互会社の社員に対して交付する吸収合併存続株式会社の株式のに一株当たり純資産額(会社法第百四十一条第二項(株式会社による買取りの通知)に規定する一株当たり純資産額をいう。)を乗じて得た額例文帳に追加

(a) The amount obtained by multiplying the number of Absorbing Stock Company's shares to be distributed to the members of the Absorbed Mutual Company by the amount of net assets per share (referring to the amount of net assets per share set forth in Article 141, paragraph (2) (Notice of purchases by Stock Company) of the Companies Act); and発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 新設合併設立株式会社が新設合併に際して株式会社である新設合併消滅会社(以下この編において「新設合併消滅株式会社」という。)の株主又は持分会社である新設合併消滅会社(以下この編において「新設合併消滅持分会社」という。)の社員に対して交付するその株式又は持分に代わる当該新設合併設立株式会社の株式の(種類株式発行会社にあっては、株式の種類及び種類ごとの)又はそのの算定方法並びに当該新設合併設立株式会社の資本金及び準備金の額に関する事項例文帳に追加

(vi) the number of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) of the Stock Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger to be delivered by the Stock Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger to shareholders of the Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger that is a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part) or to partners of the Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger that is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part), when effecting the Consolidation-type Merger, or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Stock Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


イ 当該新設合併消滅株式会社の新株予約権の新株予約権者に対して新設合併設立株式会社の新株予約権を交付するときは、当該新株予約権の内容及び又はその算定方法例文帳に追加

(a) Where share options of the Formed Stock Company are granted to the holders of stock options of the Consolidated Stock Company, the contents and number of the share options thus granted and the method of calculating such number;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!





該当件数 : 36


イ 当該吸収合併消滅株式会社の新株予約権の新株予約権者に対して吸収合併存続株式会社の新株予約権を交付するときは、当該新株予約権の内容及び又はその算定方法例文帳に追加

(a) when delivering Share Options of the Stock Company Surviving Absorption-type Merger to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Absorbed in Absorption-type Merger, the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第一項に規定する場合には、同項第六号に掲げる事項についての定めは、新設合併消滅株式会社の株主(新設合併消滅株式会社、新設合併消滅相互会社及び前項第一号の種類の株式の株主を除く。)の有する株式の(前項第二号に掲げる事項についての定めがある場合にあっては、各種類の株式の)に応じて新設合併設立株式会社の株式を交付することを内容とするものでなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) Where paragraph (1) applies, the provision for the matters listed in item (vi) of that paragraph shall include a clause that the shares of the Formed Stock Company shall be allocated in accordance with the number of shares (or, where the articles of incorporation include a provision for the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of shares by class) held by each shareholder of the Consolidated Stock Company (excluding any Consolidated Stock Company, consolidated mutual company or holder of the class of share set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 新設合併設立株式会社金融商品取引所が新設合併に際して新設合併消滅会員金融商品取引所の会員又は新設合併消滅株式会社金融商品取引所の株主に対して交付するその持分又は株式に代わる当該新設合併設立株式会社金融商品取引所の株式の(種類株式発行会社にあつては、株式の種類及び種類ごとの)又はそのの算定方法並びに当該新設合併設立株式会社金融商品取引所の資本金及び準備金の額に関する事項例文帳に追加

(vi) the number of shares of a Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger (in the case of a company with class shares, the classes of shares and the number of shares for each class) which said Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger delivers to members of the Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Extinguished upon a Consolidation-Type Merger or shareholders of the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Extinguished upon a Consolidation-Type Merger in lieu of their equity or shares, at the time of the Consolidation-Type Merger, or the method of calculating such number; and the matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and reserve funds of the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所が新設合併に際して新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の会員又は新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の株主に対して交付するその持分又は株式に代わる当該新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の株式の(種類株式発行会社にあつては、株式の種類及び種類ごとの)又はそのの算定方法並びに当該新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の資本金及び準備金の額に関する事項例文帳に追加

(vi) The number of shares of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger (in the case of a company issuing classified shares, the classes of shares and the number of shares by class) which such Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger delivers to members of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger or shareholders of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger in lieu of their equity interests or shares, at the time of the Incorporation-Type Merger, or the method of calculating such number and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and reserve of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(iv) The number of shares of stock of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger (in the case of a company issuing classified shares of stock, the classes of shares of stock and the number of shares of stock by class) which such Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger delivers to members of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger or shareholders of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger in lieu of their shares or shares of stock, at the time of the Incorporation-Type Merger, or the method of calculating such number and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and reserve of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

一 組織再編成により吸収合併消滅会社会社法第七百四十九条第一項第一号に規定する吸収合併消滅会社をいう。)又は株式交換完全子会社(同法第七百六十八条第一項第一号に規定する株式交換完全子会社をいう。)となる会社その他政令で定める会社(第四条第一項第二号イにおいて「組織再編成対象会社」という。)が発行者である株券(新株予約権証券その他の政令で定める有価証券を含む。)の所有者(以下「組織再編成対象会社株主等」という。)が多の者である場合として政令で定める場合(組織再編成対象会社株主等が適格機関投資家のみである場合を除く。)例文帳に追加

(i) in cases where, as specified by a Cabinet Order, there are a number of holders of shares (including share option certificates and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order) issued by a company that, through a Reorganization, becomes a Company Absorbed in an Absorption-Type Merger (meaning the Company Absorbed in an Absorption-Type Merger as defined in Article 749(1)(i) of the Companies Act), or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company in a Share Exchange (meaning the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company in a Share Exchange as defined in Article 768(1)(i) of said Act), or by any other kind of company specified by a Cabinet Order (referred to as the "Reorganized Company" in Article 4(1)(ii)(a)) (such holders are hereinafter referred to as "Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company")(excluding the cases where the Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company consist exclusively of Qualified Institutional Investors);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 当該新設合併消滅株式会社金融商品取引所の新株予約権の新株予約権者に対して新設合併設立株式会社金融商品取引所の新株予約権を交付するときは、当該新株予約権の内容及び又はその算定方法例文帳に追加

(a) when delivering the share options of the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger to the holders of the share options of the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Extinguished upon a Consolidation-Type Merger, the features and number of the share options or the method of calculating such number;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


イ 吸収合併消滅会員金融商品取引所の会員に対して交付する吸収合併存続株式会社金融商品取引所の株式のに一株当たり純資産額(会社法第百四十一条第二項に規定する一株当たり純資産額をいう。)を乗じて得た額例文帳に追加

(a) the amount obtained by multiplying the number of shares of the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger to be delivered to members of the Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Extinguished upon an Absorption-Type Merger by the Amount of Net Assets per Share (meaning the Amount of Net Assets per Share prescribed in Article 141(2) of the Companies Act); and発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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