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And don't mess me about, chloe, cos we are way beyond that in this house now. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
After that Yoshihide encountered Yoshiuji ASHIKAGA (the third head of ASHIKAGA family) at a bridge in front of Mandokoro (Administrative Board).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yukutsuna NIKAIDO, a brother of Yukiyasu, inherited Mandokoro Shitsuji, but his son, Yoritsuna NIKAIDO, died two years after inheriting it, his uncle, so Yukitada, who was hyojoshu (a member of Council of State), became Mandokoro Shitsuji at the ripe old age of 63.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Traditionally, an arrested criminal was handed over to the Shugo (provincial constable) by a Dogo Mandokoro (an administrative office), and the Shugo executed the criminal.'発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Mitachi was composed of onhiroma (a hall), gokoshoin (small study), godaishoin (large study), ima (a living room), daidokoro (a kitchen), mitsubone (room for dignified lady) and goshuden (room for legal wife) and so on.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After the Onin-Bunmei Wars, Kazuhide MATSUDA, Nagahide MATSUDA, Kiyohide MATSUDA and Haruhide MATSUDA were appointed as Mandokoro shitsujidai, the head of Mandokoro yoriudo (officers of the administration office), and they were active as bugyonin of the shogunate along with the Inoo clan and the Sei clan until the Eiroku era (1558-1570).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Kobori family had a residence in Fushimi Rokujizo from the time of Masatsugu and also had one in Rokkaku Echigomachi (Sanjo) that was gifted from Takatora TODO when an imperial residence was built for Emperor Goyozei.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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Crown Prince Takahito already had a prince consort, Miyasundokoro FUJIWARA no Moshi (an adopted daughter of FUJIWARA no Yoshinobu), who entered the court through Soibushi (the acquisition ceremony of a feminine bed partner) and had given birth to their first child shortly before the Imperial Princess Keishi's entry into the court, and in succeeding years, one male and four female children were born between Crown Prince Takahito and Moshi.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ブンドウ(Phaseolus radiatus)、エンドウ(Pisum sativum)、ホルトソウ(Euphorbia lathyris)、ゴマ(Sesamum orientale)、アマドコロ(Polygonatum officinale)、ロサ・センチフォリア(Rosa centifolia)、イチジク(Ficus Carica)、ロクテイソウ(Pyrola rotundifolia)、アダトバ・ヴァシカ(Adhatoda vasica)、エンジュ(Styphnolobium japonicum)、ポンカン(Citrus reticulata Blanco)、センナ(Cassia angustifolia)、レモン(Citrus limonum)及びソバ(Fagopyrum esculentum)からなる群より選ばれる少なくとも1種の植物の抽出物を有効成分として含有するセラミド産生促進剤。例文帳に追加
There is provided the ceramide production promoter containing an extract of at least one plant selected from the group consisting of Phaseolusradiatus, Pisumsativum, Euphorbialathyris, Sesamumorientale, Polygonatumofficinale, Rosacentifolia, FicusCarica, Pyrolarotundifolia, Adhatodavasica, Styphnolobiumjaponicum, Citrusreticulata Blanco, Cassiaangustifolia, Citruslimonum, and Fagopyrumesculentum as an active ingredient. - 特許庁
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