











該当件数 : 11



The indentor paid the commission to the indentee.発音を聞く  - Weblio英語基本例文集


To provide a security issuing system equipped with a plurality of issuing machines installed in various places convenient for: a user to purchase a security; transferring the purchased security to a trustee institution; printing out a purchased unforgeable hardcopy of the security; and recirculating the printed security to a system. - 特許庁


To provide a bond issuing system including a plurality of issuing machines installed in various places convenient for transfer of bonds bought by a customer to a trustee organ, print-out of a purchased unforgeable hard copy bond, and recirculation of printed bonds to a system. - 特許庁

一 金銭の貸けその他信用の供与をすることを条件として有価証券の売受託等をする行為(投資者の保護に欠けるおそれが少ないと認められるものとして内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)例文帳に追加

(i) act of Accepting an Entrustment, etc. for sales and purchase of Securities on the condition of acceptance of a money loan or other credit granting should be conducted (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being less likely to result in insufficient protection of investors);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 何人も、政令で定めるところに違反して、取引所金融商品市場における上場金融商品等又は店頭売有価証券市場における店頭売有価証券の相場をくぎけし、固定し、又は安定させる目的をもつて、一連の有価証券売等又はその申込み、委託等若しくは受託等をしてはならない。例文帳に追加

(3) No person shall conduct a series of Sales and Purchase of Securities, etc. or make offer, Entrustment, etc. or Accepting an Entrustment, etc. therefor in violation of a Cabinet Order for the purpose of pegging, fixing or stabilizing prices of Listed Financial Instruments, etc. in a Financial Instruments Exchange Market or prices of Over-the-Counter Traded Securities in an Over-the-Counter Securities Market.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 第百五十六条の二十四第一項に規定する信用取引以外の方法による金銭の貸けその他信用の供与をすることを条件として有価証券の売受託等(委託等を受けることをいう。以下同じ。)をする行為(投資者の保護に欠けるおそれが少ないと認められるものとして内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)例文帳に追加

(i) act of Accepting an Entrustment, etc. (meaning accepting Entrustment, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply) for sales and purchase of Securities on the condition of acceptance of a money loan or other credit granting by a method other than a margin transaction prescribed in Article 156-24(1) (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being less likely to result in insufficient protection of investors);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


二 特定目的信託の受益証券(法第二条第一項第十三号に掲げる特定目的信託の受益証券をいう。以下同じ。)及び同項第十七号に掲げる有価証券のうち特定目的信託の受益証券の性質を有するもの 当該有価証券に係る信託の原委託者(当該信託の受託者と信託契約を締結した者をいう。以下この号及び第十四条第二項第一号において同じ。)が当該有価証券(原委託者が譲り受けたものを除く。)を譲渡するために行う当該有価証券の売けの申込み又はそのけの申込みの勧誘例文帳に追加

(ii) Beneficiary Certificates of a Special Purpose Trust (meaning beneficiary certificates of a special purpose trust as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xiii) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), and the Securities listed in item (xvii) of that paragraph which have the nature of the beneficiary certificates of a special purpose trust: offers to sell and the solicitation of offers to buy the relevant Securities by the Originator of the trust (meaning a person who has concluded a trust agreement with the trustee of said trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and Article 14, paragraph (2), item (i)) for the purpose of their transferral (excluding Securities transferred to the Originator);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 11


三 受益証券発行信託の受益証券(法第二条第一項第十四号に掲げる受益証券発行信託の受益証券をいう。以下同じ。)及び同項第十七号に掲げる有価証券のうち受益証券発行信託の受益証券の性質を有するものであって、当該有価証券に係る信託行為の効力が生ずるときにおける受益者が委託者であるもの(信託契約が一個の信託約款に基づくものであって、当該信託契約に係る信託財産の管理又は処分が、当該信託約款に基づいて受託者が他の委託者との間に締結する信託契約に係る信託財産の管理又は処分と合同して行われる信託に係るものを除く。) 当該有価証券に係る信託の委託者が当該有価証券(委託者が譲り受けたものを除く。)を譲渡するために行う当該有価証券の売けの申込み又はそのけの申込みの勧誘例文帳に追加

(iii) Beneficiary Certificates of a Trust That Issues Beneficiary Certificates (meaning the beneficiary certificates of a trust that issues beneficiary certificates as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xiv) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), and the Securities which are listed in item (xvii) of that paragraph and which have the nature of the beneficiary certificates of a trust that issues beneficiary certificates, in the case where the beneficiary at the time when the terms of trust pertaining to said Securities become effective is the settlor (excluding Securities pertaining to a trust for which a trust agreement is concluded under a single trust contract, and the management or disposition of trust property pertaining to said trust agreement is jointly carried out with the management or disposition of trust properties pertaining to a trust agreement between a trustee and other settlors concluded under said trust contract): offers to sell and the solicitation of offers to buy said Securities, for the purpose of transferring said Securities (excluding Securities transferred to a settlor) by the settlor of a trust pertaining to said Securities;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 法第二条第二項第一号及び第二号に掲げる権利であって、当該権利に係る信託行為の効力が生ずるときにおける受益者が委託者であるもの(信託契約が一個の信託約款に基づくものであって、当該信託契約に係る信託財産の管理又は処分が、当該信託約款に基づいて受託者が他の委託者との間に締結する信託契約に係る信託財産の管理又は処分と合同して行われる信託に係るものを除く。) 当該権利に係る信託の委託者が当該権利(委託者が譲り受けたものを除く。)を譲渡するために行う当該権利の売けの申込み又はそのけの申込みの勧誘例文帳に追加

(vi) rights listed in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) and (ii) of the Act, in the case where the beneficiary at the time when the terms of trust pertaining to said rights become effective is the settlor (excluding Securities pertaining to a trust for which a trust agreement is concluded under a single trust contract, and the management or disposition of trust property pertaining to said trust agreement is jointly carried out with the management or disposition of trust properties pertaining to a trust agreement between a trustee and other settlors concluded under said trust contract): offers to sell and the solicitation of offers to buy said rights, by the settlor of the trust to which said rights pertain, for the purpose of transferring said rights (excluding rights transferred to a settlor).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百六十三条 第二条第一項第五号、第七号又は第九号に掲げる有価証券(政令で定めるものを除く。)で金融商品取引所に上場されているもの、店頭売有価証券又は取扱有価証券に該当するものその他の政令で定める有価証券の発行者(以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて「上場会社等」という。)の役員及び主要株主(自己又は他人(仮設人を含む。)の名義をもつて総株主等の議決権の百分の十以上の議決権(取得又は保有の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)を保有している株主をいう。以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて同じ。)は、自己の計算において当該上場会社等の同項第五号、第七号若しくは第九号に掲げる有価証券(政令で定めるものを除く。)その他の政令で定める有価証券(以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて「特定有価証券」という。)又は当該上場会社等の特定有価証券に係るオプションを表示する同項第十九号に掲げる有価証券その他の政令で定める有価証券(以下この項において「関連有価証券」という。)に係るけ等(特定有価証券又は関連有価証券(以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて「特定有価証券等」という。)のけその他の取引で政令で定めるものをいう。以下この条、次条及び第百六十五条の二において同じ。)又は売け等(特定有価証券等の売けその他の取引で政令で定めるものをいう。以下この条から第百六十五条の二までにおいて同じ。)をした場合(当該役員又は主要株主が委託者又は受益者である信託の受託者が当該上場会社等の特定有価証券等に係るけ等又は売け等をする場合であつて内閣府令で定める場合を含む。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)には、内閣府令で定めるところにより、その売その他の取引(以下この項、次条及び第百六十五条の二において「売等」という。)に関する報告書を売等があつた日の属する月の翌月十五日までに、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。ただし、け等又は売け等の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定める場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 163 (1) When an Officer or a Major Shareholder (meaning a shareholder who holds voting rights (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in consideration of the manner of acquisition or holding thereof or other circumstances) exceeding 10 percent of the Voting Rights Held by All the Shareholders, etc. in the name of him/herself or another person (or under a fictitious name); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article to Article 166) of the Issuer of Securities specified in Article 2(1)(v), (vii) or (ix) which are listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange or falling under the category of Over-the-Counter Traded Securities or Securities Handled (except those specified by a Cabinet Order) or of Securities designated by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter the Issuer is referred to as a "Listed Company, etc." in this Article to Article 166) makes Purchase, etc. of Securities issued by the Listed Company, etc. which fall under any of the categories of Securities specified in Article 2(1)(v), (vii) or (ix) (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order) or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter such Securities are referred to as "Specified Securities" in this Article to Article 166) or Securities specified in Article 2(1)(xix) which indicate Options pertaining to Specified Securities of the Listed Company, etc. or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter such Securities are referred to as "Related Securities" in this paragraph) (the term "Purchase, etc." means purchase of Specified Securities and Related Securities (hereinafter these Securities are collectively referred to as "Specified Securities, etc." in this Article to Article 166) and other transaction specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, the following Article and Article 165-2) or makes Sales, etc. thereof (meaning sales of Specified Securities, etc. and other transaction specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article to Article 165-2), for his/her own account (including the cases where the trustee of a trust of which said Officer or said Major Shareholder is the settlor or beneficiary makes Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. of Specified Securities, etc. of the Listed Company, etc. as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article), said Officer or said Major Shareholder shall submit, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, a report on such sales or purchase or other transaction (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase, etc." in this paragraph, the following Article or Article 165-2) to the Prime Minister on or before the 15th day of the month following the month which includes the day of such Sales and Purchase, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in consideration of the manner of the Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. or other circumstances.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第百六十五条の二 組合等(民法第六百六十七条第一項に規定する組合契約によつて成立する組合、投資事業有限責任組合契約に関する法律第二条第二項に規定する投資事業有限責任組合(以下この条において「投資事業有限責任組合」という。)若しくは有限責任事業組合契約に関する法律第二条に規定する有限責任事業組合(以下この条において「有限責任事業組合」という。)又はこれらの組合に類似する団体で政令で定めるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)のうち当該組合等の財産に属する株式に係る議決権が上場会社等の総株主等の議決権に占める割合が百分の十以上であるもの(以下この条において「特定組合等」という。)については、当該特定組合等の組合員(これに類するものとして内閣府令で定める者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)が当該特定組合等の財産に関して当該上場会社等の特定有価証券等に係るけ等又は売け等をした場合(当該特定組合等の組合員の全員が委託者又は受益者である信託の受託者が、当該上場会社等の特定有価証券等に係るけ等又は売け等をする場合であつて内閣府令で定める場合を含む。以下この条において同じ。)には、当該け等又は売け等を執行した組合員(これに準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める組合員を含む。以下この条において同じ。)は、内閣府令で定めるところにより、その売等に関する報告書を売等があつた日の属する月の翌月十五日までに、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。ただし、け等又は売け等の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定める場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 165-2 (1) With regard to Partnerships, etc. (meaning partnerships established based on partnership contract provided in Article 667(1) of the Civil Code, Investment LPS provided in Article 2(2) of the Limited Partnership Act for Investment (hereinafter referred to as "Investment LPS" in this Article) or a Limited Liability Partnership provided in Article 2 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act (hereinafter referred to as "Limited Liability Partnership" in this Article), or other similar organizations specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) whose assets includes shares of a Listed Company, etc. which represent voting rights equal to or greater than 10 percent of the Voting Rights held by All of its Shareholders, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Specified Partnerships, etc." in this Article), when one of the partners of Specified Partnerships, etc. (including persons specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as similar to a partner of Specified Partnerships, etc. under a Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) makes Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. of Specified Securities, etc. of the Listed Company, etc. in relation to the assets of the Specified Partnerships, etc. (including the cases where the trustee of a trust of which all of the partners of the Specified Partnerships, etc. are the settlor or beneficiary makes Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. of Specified Securities, etc. of the Listed Company, etc. as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), the partner having executed the Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. (including a partner specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as equivalent to such a partner specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) shall submit, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, a report on the Sales and Purchase, etc. to the Prime Minister on or before the 15th day of the month following the month which includes the day of the Sales and Purchase, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in consideration of the manner of the Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. or other circumstances.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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