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In May 1875, eight people from Shonai including Sanehide SUGE and Shizumasa ISHIKAWA visited Kagoshima as well.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ONO no Takamura, who was the vice-envoy in the 19th diplomatic mission to the Tang Dynasty, and a Chinese person 沈道古 reportedly recited poems together in 838 at Dazai Korokan.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
吉川幸次郎、清水茂校注『伊藤仁斎 伊藤東涯』 <日本思想大系33> 岩波書店ISBN978-4-00-070033-7 1971年例文帳に追加
Nihon Shiso Taikei 33 "Ito Jinsai Ito Togai" (Japanese Philosophy Collection, Volume 33 - Jinsai ITO and Togai ITO) revised and annotated by Kojiro YOSHIKAWA and Shigeru SHIMIZU, published by Iwanami Shoten in 1971, ISBN 978-4-00-070033-7発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The three Tojin (Chinese) dances handed down, each in Higashi Tamagaki-cho, Suzuka City, in Wakebe-cho, Tsu City, or in Ushimado, Setouchi City, Okayama Prefecture, are famous for imitating Chosen Tsushinshi.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Expanding the Training Grants in new growth areas when small and medium-sized enterprises employ or re-employ earthquake disaster victims (including new graduates) and provide job-training (including OJT) regardless of their industry sectors. (July 26, 2011) - 厚生労働省
さらに滋賀県東近江市五個荘町の小幡人形などには通信使人形(正確には唐人人形、 随行員である小童や楽隊の人形)があり、異国より献上された象などとともに当時の人気キャラクターであったことがうかがわれる。例文帳に追加
Furthermore, Obata dolls in Gokasho-cho, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture include Tsushinshi dolls (correctly, tojin (Chinese) dolls): the dolls of children and those of a music band), suggesting that they were popular at that time together with elephants presented by a foreign country.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
平成22 年11 月から実施している成長分野等人材育成支援事業を拡充し、平成23 年7 月から、東日本大震災による被災者を新規雇用・再雇用した中小企業事業主が、その労働者に職業訓練を行う場合には業種を問わず、OJTも含め訓練経費を助成することとした。例文帳に追加
The program of support for development of human 2resources in growth fields in operation since November 2010 was expanded, and SMEs that freshly hire or re-hire victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake can now (since July 2011) obtain subsidies to defray the cost of training (including on-the-job training) when they provide work training for such workers, regardless of which category of industry they belong to.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 9件
Frankly, it is a very challenging endeavor. When three ministries are involved, things are just not simple. Although the Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the three ministries are toiling away, the fact is that they each have their own position and are therefore faced with a challenge of deciding who should regulate the exchange. There is a widespread global trend toward regulating various markets together, as is the case in both the U.S. and Europe. To be blunt, from the perspective of us politicians, it is an issue associated with interests of the respective ministries, which we are struggling hard to coordinate.発音を聞く - 金融庁
第百三十二条の十 民事訴訟に関する手続における申立てその他の申述(以下「申立て等」という。)のうち、当該申立て等に関するこの法律その他の法令の規定により書面等(書面、書類、文書、謄本、抄本、正本、副本、複本その他文字、図形等人の知覚によって認識することができる情報が記載された紙その他の有体物をいう。以下同じ。)をもってするものとされているものであって、最高裁判所の定める裁判所に対してするもの(当該裁判所の裁判長、受命裁判官、受託裁判官又は裁判所書記官に対してするものを含む。)については、当該法令の規定にかかわらず、最高裁判所規則で定めるところにより、電子情報処理組織(裁判所の使用に係る電子計算機(入出力装置を含む。以下同じ。)と申立て等をする者又は第三百九十九条第一項の規定による処分の告知を受ける者の使用に係る電子計算機とを電気通信回線で接続した電子情報処理組織をいう。第三百九十七条から第四百一条までにおいて同じ。)を用いてすることができる。ただし、督促手続に関する申立て等であって、支払督促の申立てが書面をもってされたものについては、この限りでない。例文帳に追加
Article 132-10 (1) In the case of a petition or any other statement to be filed or made in the procedures for civil suits (hereinafter referred to as a "petition, etc."), which shall be filed or made, pursuant to the provisions of this Code or other laws and regulations concerning such petition, etc., by means of a document, etc. (meaning a document, a transcript, extract, authenticated copy or duplicate of a document or a duplicate of a bill or note, or any other paper or other tangible object on which information recognizable to human perception such as characters and shapes is stated; the same shall apply hereinafter) to the court specified by the Supreme Court (including one filed or made to the presiding judge, authorized judge, commissioned judge or court clerk of such court), notwithstanding the provisions of said laws and regulations, as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court, the petition, etc. may be filed or made by means of an electronic data processing system (meaning an electronic data processing system wherein the computer (including input-output devices; the same shall apply hereinafter) used in the court is connected, by way of telecommunication lines, to the computer used by the person who files or makes the petition, etc. or person who receives a notice of a disposition under the provision of Article 399(1); the same shall apply in Article 397 to Article 401); provided, however, that this shall not apply to a petition, etc. on the demand procedure where a petition for demand for payment is filed or made by means of a document.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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