








英訳・英語 provisional account closing date



該当件数 : 12


一 臨時決算日における貸借対照表例文帳に追加

(i) A balance sheet as at the Temporary Closing Date; and発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 臨時決算日の属する事業年度の初から臨時決算日までの期間に係る損益計算書例文帳に追加

(ii) A profit and loss statement for the period from the first day of the business year that includes the Temporary Account Closing Day to the Temporary Account Closing Day.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ロ 最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の)後の臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時計算書類等の内容例文帳に追加

(b) when there are Temporary Financial Statements, etc. as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger) as an Temporary Account Closing Day (in the case where there are two or more Temporary Account Closing Days, the last one), the contents of said Temporary Financial Statements, etc.;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ロ 最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の)後の臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時計算書類等の内容例文帳に追加

(b) when there are Temporary Financial Statements, etc. deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger) as an Temporary Account Closing Day (in the case where there are two or more Temporary Account Closing Days, the last one), the contents of said Temporary Financial Statements, etc.;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ロ最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商 品取引所の成立の)後の臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあ っては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時計算書類 等の内容例文帳に追加

(b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.;発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

ロ最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅株 式会社商品取引所の成立の)後の臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある 場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時 計算書類等の内容例文帳に追加

(b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.;発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


ロ 最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の成立の。ハにおいて同じ。)後の臨時決算日(会社法第四百四十一条第一項に規定する臨時決算日をいう。以下同じ。)(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等(会社法施行規則第二条第三項第十三号の臨時計算書類等をいう。以下同じ。)があるときは、当該臨時計算書類等の内容例文帳に追加

(b) when there are Temporary Financial Statements, etc. (which means Temporary Financial Statements, etc. set forth in Article 2, paragraph (3), item (xiii) of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Companies Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in (c)) as an Temporary Account Closing Day (which means an extraordinary closing day prescribed in Article 441, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) (in the case where there are two or more Temporary Account Closing Days, the last one), the contents of said Temporary Financial Statements, etc.;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 12


ロ最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会 社商品取引所の成立の。ハにおいて同じ。)後の臨時決算日(会社法第四百 四十一条第一項に規定する臨時決算日をいう。以下同じ。)(二以上の臨時決算日 がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等(会社法施行規則 第二条第三項第十三号の臨時計算書類等をいう。以下同じ。)があるときは、当該 臨時計算書類等の内容例文帳に追加

(b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. (which means extraordinary accounting documents, etc. set forth in Article 2, paragraph 3, item 13 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in (c)) as an extraordinary closing day (which means an extraordinary closing day prescribed in Article 441, paragraph 1 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.;発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第四百四十一条 株式会社は、最終事業年度の直後の事業年度に属する一定の(以下この項において「臨時決算日」という。)における当該株式会社の財産の状況を把握するため、法務省令で定めるところにより、次に掲げるもの(以下「臨時計算書類」という。)を作成することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 441 (1) Stock Companies may prepare the following documents (hereinafter referred to as "Temporary Financial Statements") pursuant to the provisions of the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice in order to grasp the financial status of such Stock Company as at a certain day (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as "Temporary Account Closing Day") included in the business year immediately following the Most Recent Business Year:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

法第百四十四条第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、吸収合併存続商品取引所が株式会社 商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。一法第百四十二条第二号及び三号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場合 にあっては、当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の会員に対して交付する株式等(法第百四十二条第二 号に規定する株式等をいう。以下同じ。)の全部又は一部が吸収合併存続株式会社商 品取引所の株式であるときは、当該吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の定款の定め 三吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等の内容(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸 収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の成立のにおける貸借対照表の内容)ロ最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会 社商品取引所の成立の。ハにおいて同じ。)後の臨時決算日(会社法第四百 四十一条第一項に規定する臨時決算日をいう。以下同じ。)(二以上の臨時決算日 がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等(会社法施行規則 第二条第三項第十三号の臨時計算書類等をいう。以下同じ。)があるときは、当該 臨時計算書類等の内容 ハ最終事業年度の末後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収 合併存続株式会社商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたと きは、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会のの十前の後吸収合併 の効力が生ずるまでの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっ - 87 - ては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)四 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。)において最終事業年 度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立 の)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品 取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四 十四条第四項の会員総会のの十前の後吸収合併の効力が生ずるまでの間に新 たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末 後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)五吸収合併が効力を生ずる以後における吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の債務 (法第百四十四条第五項において準用する法第百二十四条第一項の規定により吸収 合併について異議を述べることができる債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履 行の見込みの有無に関する事項 六法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会のの十前の後、前各号に掲げる事項に変更 が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger is an Incorporated Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in item 2 and item 3 of Article 142 of the Act (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof); (ii) when the whole or part of the shares of stock, etc. (which means shares of stock, etc. prescribed in Article 142, item 2 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) issued for a member of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger are shares of stock of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, the provisions of the articles of incorporation of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; (iii) the following matters concerning the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger: (a) the contents of accounting documents, etc. pertaining to the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the contents of a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. (which means extraordinary accounting documents, etc. set forth in Article 2, paragraph 3, item 13 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in (c)) as an extraordinary closing day (which means an extraordinary closing day prescribed in Article 441, paragraph 1 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 1 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144, paragraph 5 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (vi) when there were changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

法第百四十四条の三第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、新設合併設立商品取引所が株式 会社商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。 一法第百四十三条第一項第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関 する事項 二他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社及び清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下 この号において同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等又は財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表と ともに作成された損益計算書(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合 併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立のにおける貸借対照表)の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商 品取引所の成立の)後の臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあ っては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時計算書類 等の内容 ハ他の新設合併消滅商品取引所において最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない 場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の)後に重要な財産の処 分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の財産の状況に 重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項 の会員総会のの十前の後新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立のまで の間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終 事業年度の末後に生じた事業の内容に限る。) 三 他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社又は清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が 会社法第四百九十二条第一項(法第七十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。) の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)において最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、当該 新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担 その他の当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が 生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会のの十前の後 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立のまでの間に新たな最終事業年度が存する こととなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末後に生じた事業の内容に 限る。) 五新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の以後における当該新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履 行の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会のの十前の後、前各号に掲げる事項に 変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger is an Incorporated Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 6 and item 7 of the Act; (ii) the following matters concerning another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations and Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) accounting documents or an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year, and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet (in the case where the final business year does not exist, a balance sheet as on the day of the - 94 - establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a clearing corporation or Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act (including the case where it is applied - 95 - mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act); (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


法第百四十四条の十二第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。 一法第百四十三条第一項第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関 する事項 二新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の全部又は一部が新株予約権を発行しているとき は、法第百四十三条第一項第八号及び第九号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該事項 についての定めとして、全部又は一部の新株予約権の新株予約権者に対して交付する 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の新株予約権の数及び金銭の額を零と定めた場合に おける当該定めを含む。)の相当性に関する事項 三他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社及び清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下 この号において同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等又は財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表と ともに作成された損益計算書(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合 併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立のにおける貸借対照表)の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅株 式会社商品取引所の成立の)後の臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある 場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時 計算書類等の内容 ハ他の新設合併消滅商品取引所において最終事業年度の末(最終事業年度がない 場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の)後に重要な財産の処 分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の財産の状況に 重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の十二第一 項各号に掲げるのいずれか早い後新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新た な最終事業年度の末後に生じた事業の内容に限る。)四 他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社又は清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が 会社法第四百九十二条第一項(法第七十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。) の規定により作成した貸借対照表 五当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所(清算株式会社を除く。以下この号において 同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度の末(最終事業年 度がない場合にあっては、当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の)後 に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品 取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第 百四十四条の十二第一項各号に掲げるのいずれか早い後新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の成立のまでの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合 にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)ロ当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度がないときは、当該 新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立のにおける貸借対照表 六新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の以後における当該新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履 行の見込みに関する事項 七法第百四十四条の十二第一項各号に掲げるのいずれか早い後、前各号に掲げる 事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項例文帳に追加

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 6 and item 7; (ii) when all or part of the Incorporated Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger issue the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock, matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 8 and item 9 of the Act (including the provisions that specify that the number and the amount of the money of the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger which are to be issued to the holders of the rights to subscribe for the whole or part of new shares of stock shall be zero); (iii) the following matters concerning another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations and Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) accounting documents or an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year, and the contents of profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet (in the case where the final - 106 - business year does not exist, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in the respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) a balance sheet which another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a clearing corporation or Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) has prepared pursuant to the provisions of - 107 - Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act); (v) the following matters concerning said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in the respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (b) when the final business year does not exist at said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vii) when there were changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act, said new matters.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省



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