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英訳・英語 positive list
該当件数 : 41件
First Draft on the General Provisions to Enforce the Positive List System - 厚生労働省
In the case of the positive list approach, sectors subject to standstill obligations are those marked SS in the Schedule of Commitments. - 経済産業省
Under the positive list approach, the sectors in respect of which national treatment obligations are committed and the conditions and restrictions therefor are inscribed in the “Schedule of Commitments” of the relevant FTA/EPA. - 経済産業省
また、ポジティブリスト制度の施行を踏まえ、食品衛生監視員を 300 名から 314 名に増員するとともに、検査設備を増設した。例文帳に追加
In light of the enforcement of the Positive List System, the number of food sanitation inspectors was increased from 300 to 314, and additional inspection equipment was also installed. - 厚生労働省
A positive list of work deemed not to hinder appropriate employment management of dispatched day workers was adopted in a Cabinet Order as an exception. - 厚生労働省
Japan has a positive list system (a method that permits employment in Japan when certain conditions are met) for accepting foreigners. - 経済産業省
FTA/EPA で投資章はネガティブリスト方式を採用することが多いのに対し、サービス章はGATS の流れを受けてポジティブリスト方式を採用することが多い。例文帳に追加
The chapter on investment in FTAs/EPAs often adopts the negative list approach, while the chapter on services often adopts the positive list approach, following GATS. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 41件
The MHLW will also consider inspection items at the time of importation for steady execution of the Positive List system, which in general prohibits sales of food products containing amounts of residual agricultural chemicals etc. that exceed the amount determined as not causing health damage (hereinafter simply referred as “the Positive List system”), and will also request the promotion of safety measures during the production, manufacturing and processing (hereinafter referred to as “the production process”) stages in exporting countries and, as necessary, conduct on-site inspections in exporting countries to confirm the management of residual agricultural chemicals, etc. - 厚生労働省
To make data recording as corresponding to a positive listing system for the spray of agricultural chemicals using an unmanned helicopter and prepare a reliable invoice of agricultural chemicals spray work. - 特許庁
In addition, the MHLW shall make a monitoring plan, taking into account the conditions of regulations on agricultural chemicals, etc., status of their use and cases of detection of agricultural chemicals, etc. in other countries, in order to steadily conduct the Positive List system. - 厚生労働省
The basic structure and text of provisions in each agreement on trade in services largely depends on whether such agreement adopts the negative list approach or the positive list approach. - 経済産業省
市場アクセス日シンガポールEPA、日マレーシアEPA、日フィリピンEPA は、GATS 型のポジティブリスト形式を採用しており、これら3協定の市場アクセスに係る規定は、GATS を踏襲。例文帳に追加
Market Access The Japan-Singapore EPA, Japan-Malaysia EPA and Japan-Philippines EPA adopt the GATS type positive list approach, and the market access provisions in these three agreements follow those of the GATS model. - 経済産業省
In addition, the MHLW shall establish a monitoring plan, taking into account the conditions of regulations on agricultural chemicals, etc., status of their use and cases of detection of agricultural chemicals, etc. in other countries, in order to steadily conduct the Positive List system. - 厚生労働省
In addition, the MHLW shall make a monitoring plan, taking into account the conditions of regulations on agricultural chemicals, etc., status of their use and cases of detection of agricultural chemicals, etc. in other countries, in order to steadily conduct the Positive List system. - 厚生労働省
The following provisions will be established in the publication under the provision in Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Food Sanitation Law in order to implement the Positive List System for agricultural chemicals in food. - 厚生労働省
意味 | 例文 (41件) |
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