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英訳・英語 circular advertising

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「回状広告」の英訳



該当件数 : 14



A threat mentioned in subsection may be by means of circulars, advertisements or otherwise.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Provided that a circular, advertisement or communication addressed to any person which comprises only a notification of the existence of a particular registered design upon which the registered proprietor relies for protecting his interest shall not, by itself, be deemed to be a threat of proceedings for infringement. - 特許庁

(1) 何人かが回状広告又はその他の手段で,ある者を侵害訴訟又はその他の類似の手続をもって脅迫した場合は,被害者は所定の裁判所,又は救済申請について審理し決定する権限を有する他の裁判所に対し,次の事項を求める申請をすることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Where a person, by means of circulars, advertisements or otherwise, threatens a person with infringement proceedings, or other similar proceedings, a person aggrieved may apply to a prescribed court, or to another court having jurisdiction to hear and determine the application, for:発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Where a person (whether or not the proprietor of, or entitled to any right in, a patent) by circulars, advertisements or otherwise threatens another person with proceedings for infringement of a patent, a person aggrieved by the threats (whether or not he is the person to whom the threats are made) may, subject to subsection (4), bring proceedings in the court against the person making the threats for any such relief as is mentioned in subsection (3).発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Where any person (whether entitled to or interested in a patent or not) by circulars, advertisements or otherwise threatens any other person with proceedings for infringement of a patent, any person aggrieved thereby may bring proceedings in the Court against him for any such relief as is mentioned in subsection (2).発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(1) (特許若しくは特許出願の権利者又は利害関係人であるか否かを問わず)何人かが回状広告その他により特許の侵害訴訟を提起する旨他人を脅迫するときは,それによる被害者は,(2)にいう救済措置を求めるため,前記の脅迫者を相手方として訴訟を提起することができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Where any person (whether entitled to or interested in a patent or an application for a patent or not) by circulars, advertisements, or otherwise threatens any other person with proceedings for infringement of a patent, any person aggrieved thereby may bring action against him for any such relief as is mentioned in subsection (2) of this section. - 特許庁


(1) 登録商標は,その商標の登録所有者でもなく,許諾を得てその商標を使用する登録使用者でもない者が,その商標と同一の又は誤認若しくは混同を生じさせる虞がある程に類似する商標を当該商標の登録に関係する商品又はサービスについて業として使用する場合において,当該商標の使用が, (a) 登録商標としての使用であるとして, (b) その使用が当該商品自体に若しくは当該商品との物理的関係において,又は公衆に対する広告回状その他の広告においてなされる場合は,当該商標の登録所有者若しくは登録使用者としての権利を有する者への言及又はその者が業として関係する商品への言及を意味するものとして,又は[法律A881による挿入] (c) その使用が,当該サービスが提供若しくは実行される場所又はその近辺において,又は公衆に対する広告回状その他の広告においてなされる場合は,当該商標の登録所有者若しくは登録使用者としての権利を有する者への言及又はその者が業として関係するサービスへの言及を意味するものとして, 受け取られる虞がある方法でなされるときは,当該使用者によって侵害されたものと認められる。例文帳に追加

(1) A registered trade mark is infringed by a person who, not being the registered proprietor of the trade mark or registered user of the trade mark using by way of permitted use, uses a mark which is identical with it or so nearly resembling it as is likely to deceive or cause confusion in the course of trade in relation to goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered in such a manner as to render the use of the mark likely to be taken either . (a) as being use as a trade mark; (b) in a case in which the use is use upon the goods or in physical relation thereto or in an advertising circular, or other advertisement, issued to the public, as importing a reference to a person having the right either as registered proprietor or as registered user to use the trade mark or to goods with which the person is connected in the course of trade; or [Ins. Act A881] (c) in a case in which the use is use at or near the place where the services are available or performed or in an advertising circular or other advertisement issued to the public, as importing a reference to a person having a right either as registered proprietor or as registered user to use the trade mark or to services with the provision of which the person is connected in the course of trade. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 14



Where any person claiming to have an interest in a patent by circulars, advertisements or otherwise, threatens any other person with any legal proceedings or liability in respect of any alleged infringement of the patent, any person aggrieved thereby may bring a suit against him in a District Court having jurisdiction to try the suit, and may obtain an injunction against the continuance of such threats, and may recover such damage (if any) as he has sustained thereby, if the alleged infringement to which the threats related was not in fact an infringement of the patent:発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Where a person (whether or not the registered proprietor of, or entitled to any design right in, or any other interest in a design) by circulars, advertisements or otherwise threatens another person with proceedings for infringement of design right, a person aggrieved by the threats (whether or not he or she is the person to whom the threats are made) may bring proceedings in the appropriate court against the person making the threats for any such relief as is mentioned in subsection (3). - 特許庁


Where a person (whether or not the registered owner of, or entitled to any right in, a registered design) by circulars, advertisements or otherwise threatens any other person with proceedings for infringement of a registered design, any person aggrieved by the threats (whether or not he is the person to whom the threats are made) may, subject to subsection (4), bring proceedings in the court against the person making the threats for any such relief as is mentioned in subsection (3).発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(1) 次の場合,すなわち, (a) ある者が, (i) 革新特許の出願をしたが,その出願については未だ決定が行われていないか,又は (ii) 未だ証明を受けていない革新特許を有しており,かつ (b) その者が,出願中の特許,又は場合により特許に関連して,回状広告又はその他の手段で,他人を侵害訴訟又はその他の類似の手段をもって脅迫した場合は, 脅迫を受けた者がする第128条に基づく救済申請の目的では,当該脅迫は正当化することができない。例文帳に追加

(1) If: (a) a person: (i) has applied for an innovation patent, but the application has not been determined; or (ii) has an innovation patent that has not been certified; and (b) the person, by means of circulars, advertisements or otherwise, threatens a person with infringement proceedings or other similar proceedings in respect of the patent applied for, or the patent, as the case may be; then, for the purposes of an application for relief under section 128 by the person threatened, the threats are unjustifiable.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(3) 第37条(a)及び(b),第40条(1)(a)から(c)まで並びにこの部に従うことを条件として,何らかの商品に関する証明商標の登録所有者としてある者を登録することにより,その登録が有効である限り,その者はそれら商品に関して当該商標を使用する排他的権利を取得する。前記規定の一般性を損うことなく,当該商標の登録所有者でもなく,規約に従いその登録所有者から自己に代わって当該商標を使用する権限を与えられた者でもない者が,登録に関係する商品に関して,当該商標と同一の又は誤認若しくは混同を生じさせる虞がある程に類似する標章を,その使用が次の何れかと受け取られる虞のある態様で業として使用するときは,当該商標についての権利は,侵害されたとみなされる。 (a) 商標としての使用であること (b) その使用が,当該商品若しくはサービスについての使用,それらとの物理的関係における使用,又は公衆に対する広告回状その他の広告においてなされる使用である場合において,当該商標の登録所有者若しくは当該商標の使用に関する規約に基づいて使用権限を与えられた者であること又は登録所有者が証明する商品若しくはサービスであることを意味していること (c) その使用が,当該サービスが提供され若しくは実行される場所若しくはその近辺における使用,又は公衆に対する広告回状その他の広告においてなされる使用である場合において,所有者若しくは登録使用者として当該商標を使用する権利を有する者であること又はそのような者が業として提供に係わっているサービスであることを意味していること[法律A881による挿入]例文帳に追加

(3) Subject to paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 37, paragraphs (a) to (c) of subsection (1) of section 40 and this Part, the registration of a person as registered proprietor of a certification trade mark in respect of any goods shall, if valid, give to that person the exclusive right to the use of the trade mark in relation to those goods, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words, that right shall be deemed to be infringed by any person who, not being the registered proprietor of the trade mark or a person authorised by him under the rules in that behalf to use it in accordance therewith, uses a mark identical with it or so nearly resembling it as is likely to deceive or cause confusion, in the course of trade, in relation to any goods in respect of which it is registered and in such manner as to render the use of the mark likely to be taken either . (a) as being use as a trade mark; (b) in the case in which the use is use upon the goods or services or in physical relation thereto or in an advertising circular, or other advertisement issued to the public, as importing a reference to some person having the right either as registered proprietor or by his authorisation under the relevant rules to use the trade mark or to goods or services certified by the registered proprietor; or (c) in a case in which the use is use at or near the place where the services are available or performed or in an advertising circular or other advertisement issued to the public, as importing a reference to a person having a right either as proprietor or as a registered user to use the trade mark or to services with the provision of which such person is connected in the course of trade. [Ins. Act A881] - 特許庁

(1) ある者が,回状広告その他により,登録意匠の侵害に係る訴訟手続を提起することをもって他人を脅迫する場合,これにより被害を受ける者は,脅迫する者が登録意匠又は意匠登録出願について権利を有するか否か又は利害関係を有するか否かを問わず,当該脅迫者に対して訴訟手続を提起してかかる脅迫が不当である旨の宣言及びかかる脅迫の継続に対する差止命令を得ることができ,かつ,損害を被った場合は損害賠償を得ることができるが,他方,脅迫する者が,訴訟手続の提起をもってする脅迫の対象となっている行為は,原告が無効であることを証明していない登録意匠の侵害になること又はかかる行為が行われたら侵害になるであろうことを証明する場合はこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

(1) If any person, by circular, advertisement or otherwise, threatens any other person with proceedings for infringement of a registered design, a person aggrieved thereby may, whether the person making the threats is or is not entitled to or interested in a registered design, or an application for the registration of a design, institute proceedings against him and obtain a declaration to the effect that such threats are unjustifiable and an interdict against the continuance of such threats, and may recover such damages, if any, as he has sustained thereby, unless the person making the threats proves that the acts in respect of which the proceedings are threatened, constitute or, if performed, would constitute an infringement of a registered design which is not shown by the plaintiff to be invalid: - 特許庁



Where a person, by means of circulars, advertisements or otherwise, threatens a person with an action or proceeding for infringement of a trade mark which is registered, or alleged by the first mentioned person to be registered, or with some other like proceeding, a person aggrieved may, whether the person making the threats is or is not the registered proprietor or the registered user of the trade mark, bring a suit against the first mentioned person and may obtain a declaration to the effect that the threats are unjustifiable, and an injunction against the continuance of the threats and may recover such damages (if any) as he has sustained, unless the first mentioned person satisfies the court that the trade mark is registered and that the acts in respect of which the proceedings were threatened, constitute, or, if done, would constitute, an infringement of the trade mark.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


circular advertising 英和専門語辞典

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