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英訳・英語 The revised Rationalization in Energy Use Law
該当件数 : 6件
(5) 省エネルギー法改正に向けて例文帳に追加
(5) Toward revision of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy - 経済産業省
The bill to partially amend the Act on the Rational Use of Energy(Energy conservation Act) was submitted to the Diet (March 2012), which incorporates measures for peak demand reduction of electricity use and energy conservation measures in the consumer sector. - 経済産業省
To provide a means for making an energy-saving plan that satisfies a user request for an energy-saving model building or the like focusing on energy-saving measures, while considering energy-saving measures required for continuously achieving a target energy-saving value based on a revised energy-saving law enforced from the 2010 fiscal year and the time to introduce it, for several places all together. - 特許庁
Under the revised Energy Conservation Act, energy-saving measures for the business sector mainly targeting at offices and convenience stores as well as for houses and buildings are reinforced. - 経済産業省
The Energy Conservation Law is scheduled to be revised to increase the effectiveness of the energy conservation initiatives at factories, office buildings, and other facilities. The revised law will introduce an integrated energy management system where the regulations are conducted on a “corporation-by-corporation basis” instead of the current “factory/worksite-by-factory/worksite basis.” For franchised chain enterprises above a certain size, integrated energy management will be implemented where all businesses in the chain enterprise are regarded as one unit of regulation. - 経済産業省
分電盤やコンセントなど、末端部の負荷における消費電力量をも、リアルタイムに把握することにより、総エネルギー使用量 (原油換算値) の削減をめざす、改正省エネ法の要請にこたえる手段を提供する。例文帳に追加
To provide means intended to reduce the total energy consumption volume (in a crude oil equivalent) and meet the requirements of the revised Energy Saving Law by keeping real-time track of wattages consumed by even end-consumer loads, such as power distribution switchboards and AC outlets. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「改正省エネ法」に類似した例文 |
to improve the streets of a city
All of the ordinances will be revised.
Some of the ordinances will be revised.
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the revised regulations
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