
英訳・英語 light adaptation
該当件数 : 55件
the adjustment of the pupils of the eyes to increasing or decreasing light, called light adaptation発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
To provide a malleable pseudonym certificate system and method for a communication network. - 特許庁
During the transition of international order in East Asia, Japan in the Meiji period accepted the situation at earlier stage compared to other nations.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a digital imaging device that reproduces an image, taking into account chromatic adaptation, while reflecting the effect of a desired lighting environment onto the image. - 特許庁
When continuously displaying on a display part 10 a plurality of still images stored on a memory card in a digital camera 1, a control section 7 estimates adaptation amounts of a lightness/darkness adaptation and a contrast adaptation of a user caused by watching an image being displayed at present. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 55件
White balance normalization of a high dynamic range image is performed by identifying a first image adaptation point for a relatively lighter portion of the image and a second image adaptation point for a relatively darker portion of the image. - 特許庁
A first white point adjustment for the lighter portion of the image is performed using the first image adaptation point and a second white point adjustment for the darker portion of the image is performed using the second image adaptation point. - 特許庁
Using a color adaptation prediction expression including a parameter representing time course, a corresponding color in the middle of the adaptation to the change of the lighting condition is predicted sequentially, and the image is sequentially corrected by means of the predicted corresponding color to be displayed. - 特許庁
To provide a video display apparatus that can change a dimming speed of a backlight source in accordance with changes in feature quantity of an input video signal based on a difference between times required for light adaptation and dark adaptation. - 特許庁
To solve the problem, wherein although conventional image device can correct a color shift between devices, but is insufficient to operate obtaining of image generation which is adapted to human visual sensation characteristics, such as lightness adaptation time and darkness adaptation time. - 特許庁
To provide an illuminator enabled to be universally used, easily operated having adaptability and capable of illuminating a target by light of a wide wavelength range. - 特許庁
To allow observers having different adaptation statuses before observing an illumination light to relax easily by providing an illumination light having an appropriate light intensity. - 特許庁
Furthermore, rapid change of brightness (illuminance) is restrained and the time needed until eyes adapt themselves to the change of brightness can be shortened (adaptation of the eyes is improved) since brightness (illuminance) of the third irradiation range X3 is set up at an intermediate value of the brightness (illuminance) of the first and the second irradiation ranges X1, X2. - 特許庁
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