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英訳・英語 cylindrical box shop
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a long curved covered passageway around a building発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
Kayo Rokyoku (songs combined with rokyoku [a kind of sung narrative popular during the Edo period]): 'Tawaraboshi Genba' (Genba TAWARABOSHI) and 'Kinokuniya Bunzaemon' (Bunzaemon KINOKUNIYA) by Haruo MINAMI, etc.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a structure installation-supporting device and method easily applicable for a roof having a curve surface. - 特許庁
The roof structure is so constituted that a plurality of roof truss T are lined up in the direction of the ridge of a building, a plurality of purlin 61, 62 and 63 are engaged with the purlin engaged sections provided to the upper chord constituent members of the roof truss to provide and that roof imported timber is extended to a curved surface through the outer surface of the purlin. - 特許庁
風神雷神図 二曲屏風東京国立博物館蔵(重要文化財)-俵屋宗達の作品を模したもの。例文帳に追加
Fujin Raijin-zu (Wind God and Thunder God Screens, two panel screen), Tokyo National Museum (Important Cultural Property) - Work copying the work of Sotatsu TAWARAYA発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Stories of families other than the above: 'Kyodai Bune' (Brothers' Ship) by Ichiro TOBA, 'Musume Yo (single)' (My Daughter) by Gannosuke ASHIYA, 'Mago (composed by Itsuro OIZUMI)' (Grandchild) by Itsuro OIZUMI, etc.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a roof structural body of a building capable of being easily constructed and having a curved roof shape allowing a construction cost to be reduced and a method of constructing the roof structural body. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 28件
In the building with the wind turbine generator equipped with the wind turbine generator having a windmill, and provided with a slant roof whose surface is formed slantly or curvedly, a means 6 for guiding to gather the wind blown on the roof surface of the slant roof 2 toward the wind mill of the wind turbine generator 3 is provided on the roof surface. - 特許庁
This building, equipped with solar cell panels for the photovoltaic power generator on a roof and also with the wind power generator having a wind mill, has a sloped roof with its surface 3 curved or slanted, a plurality of solar cell panels 5 installed on the roof surface of the sloped roof, and the wind mill 10 of the wind power generator 8 disposed near the top of the roof surface. - 特許庁
To provide an FRP made-roof member eliminating a beam or a purlin specially when a large-sized roof is roofed, having light weight to excel in handling efficiency, enabling a curved shape to easily form, lightening the burden imposed on a column of a building and facilitating the execution without being required for a large-sized heavy machine. - 特許庁
To provide an eaves gutter joint capable of arranging an eaves gutter along the eaves even in a building in which eaves tip at which the eaves gutter is arranged has a curved roof shape. - 特許庁
For example, opening fringes 33a, 33b extending in a horizontal direction of the exhaust opening 32 are formed in a curved line corresponding to the isobaric line of the negative pressure or a curved line parallel to the isobaric line of the negative pressure on a plane parallel to the roof on the roof in the case a wind blows to the wall surface 35 of the building 2. - 特許庁
Curved surfaces of a shell made of steel plates are continuously varied by 90 degrees as the feature of this structure in such a manner that a roof surface at one end becomes a wall surface at other end and a wall surface at one end forms a roof surface at other end in the longitudinal direction of this shell structure having a large span. - 特許庁
It is said that today's tekiya date back to traders of lotus leaves (dealing with seasonal goods) who sold lucky charms of the season at markets (morning markets and seasonal markets) and fairs, magicians performing street performances on the main streets, and acrobatic artists also known as daikagura (lion dancer) and kyokugomashi (spinning trick performers).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The roof truss 10 is laterally positioned to the upper end of a wall panel 14 by forming a positioning part 38 at an end of a cassette plate 28 of the roof truss 10 by bending, and allowing the positioning part to abut on the outside surface of an upper part 30A of a door stop fitting 30 to be engagingly locked. - 特許庁
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